
What do you do if your child walks in on you and your spouse having s*x?

by Guest31699  |  earlier

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My sister's son walked in on them and now she's mortified. I feel even worse for my nephew, the poor kid has been staying at my house for days. Please help.




  1. You need to say how old he is.  It makes a big difference.  My son just recently walked in on us, he is 6, and said "why is daddy naked?" my husband ran into the bathroom and I just said "he has to take a shower" end of story.  My older one is15 and was pounding on my door one day (it was locked) and I ignored it, then when I cam out I just flat out asked her what she thought we were doing.  She realized without words what I mend and was embarrassed but it is a fact of life that she needed to know.

  2. Just tell him that his mom and dad were having private time together.  Tell him they need their private time and that what he saw was normal and what married people do sometimes to express their love for each other.  Tell him no one was getting hurt.

    Tell him he'll understand it when he grows up and not to worry about it.  Finally tell him he should always knock on his parents door and wait for an answer before he goes into their room.

    Simple explanations are best for children.  If he has questions answer them as simply as possible.  It is all right to tell children they will understand things better when they grow up because it is true.

  3. Depends how old he is, u get taught s*x ed in year 6 at school, well i did anyways so he should no it by now lol :) If hes under 10 years old though, i woldnt think he would mind. I hear my mum n dad all the time lol, but im 16 so YUK!!!!


  4. I'd say WOW he's superman because he got through the locked door!

    Depends on his age - your sister needs to talk to him. She can't be sure what he saw, and the biggest thing with kids is if they are young, they sometimes think the dad is hurting the mom.

  5. kick him in the shin

  6. Thinking back I did walk in on my parents....

    But at the time had no clue what they were doing..

    They merely told me to close the door and theyll be out in a second. then I was told to knock from now on. So now. No matter where I go.Who Im with what room im entering I always knock if the door is closed..its a good habit to have anyway!

    I dont really consider it gross now that im married. but at the time i was too little to know what happening.

  7. Stop what you are doing, cover up, and than nicely tell the boy that you are busy at the moment and cannot tend to them.  Do not yell or make a bog deal out of it or try to over explain.  Take them back to what they were doing, playing with toys, with the other relative, etc.  Nicely say do not walk back into the room right now because we are busy.  Take a few moments, be pleasant, and than return to what you were doing.  The boy will be fine, there is no cause for concern.  only when there is yelling, screaming, hitting, or paranoia comes in does it actually cause a problem.  These things are natural and can usually be resolved and prevented in the future.

  8. Unless he asks about what was happening, don't say anything, other than to remind him to knock before he enter's his parents room. Other than that, she should maybe consider getting a lock for her bedroom door to avoid any further incidents, since kids aren't the best at remembering/following these types of rules.

  9. How old is he?

  10. tell him mommy and daddy were just wrestling or if you think he is old enough tell him the trouth

  11. Scream and call 911.

  12. How I would handle it depends on how old the kid is.

    If the kid is say under 5, remind them that the parents room is a place where he can't just walk into without knocking.

    If the kid is over 5, I would tell him he needs to knock and that someday when he is ready, you will explain what you were doing.

    if the kid is over 10, then they should have known better and maybe a small punishment is in order.

    Suggest that your sister and her hubby get a lock for their door.

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