
What do you do if your dad walks in?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my bf were s******g pretty hard, but just when i came my dad walked in. the thing is, he pretty much stayed there, and i didn't notice him for about 5 minutes. when in turned around he was FILMING. is this normal? my bf was a bit weirded out, and i talked to my gf this afternoon and she was NOT HAPPY.




  1. Try to read about religion, before you die which can happen anytime. There is another world that you will be judged against what you did in this world and there is no chance there for you to come back.

  2. I lol'd hard

  3. are yew gayyy?

  4. That is really really weird.You should speak to to your dad about that.

  5. That is ****** up. Your dad was filming you having s*x?

    Report him to the police. I am not kidding, esp. if you are under 18!!! that is super wrong on all accounts!!! Your father needs help

  6. Cool, i wish i had a friend like that i cud do stuff liek that with. Just don't worry about. Talk to him about and ask him why he filmed you. He was just probably playing around. Hope you had fun. And bf stand 4 boifriend, bff is best friend 4eva.

  7. try to tell her that it is misunderstood....... as well as talk to your father to make everything clear.

  8. First you were humping your bf now you have a gf? Liar liar pants on fire.  

  9. Yes this is completely normal. However the you tube footage appears a little distorted, could you remove the duvet next time?  

  10. Sounds hot. You should ask your dad to rim you sometime.

  11. id say post it online

  12. yeah....ooookk

  13. wtf.

    you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend!?

  14. ummmmmm bf like best friend or bf like boyfriend?

  15. Your dad's a pedofile  


  17. Lets recap:

    1. you have a perv dad that films you and your bf s******g.

    2. you have a bf AND a gf

  18. You should DEFINITELY ring the Jeremy Kyle show

  19. Wait what?? I am confused.. do you have a boyfriend AND girlfriend??

  20. questions like this can get your dad falsley arrested for child p**n

  21. ok confusing question

    lol to LabRat


  22. lmao I think that's what he's saying

  23. he was probably guna use it against u sum how

  24. I'm confused: Your dad filmed your g*y s*x and you told your gf about it?


    Member Since:                   August 02, 2008

    Total Points:                       98 (Level 1)

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    Now be honest: You made this account to specifically yank chains didn't you?

  25. Pretty weird?? I would Say "Yeah" Uhhh, If I were you I would get my hands on that Tape and distroy it.  That is not normal Behavior from your father!,l I would have gotten my A$$ Kicked! and then some, If it was my father, How ever, I would never put myself into that kind of situation, Just out of Respect for my father. Go Get that Tape!!

  26. he was so happy he's son was getting some he filmed it,for online or jack off to it later,at least he diddent catch you jacking off  ..but your dad is a prevert

  27. i'm confuse?!?!  yur dads weird

  28. So wait. You're bisexual and you're cheating on your girlfriend with your boyfriend?!?!

  29. no wonder she is not happy, you were beasting another guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  30. Wow you were s******g your boyfriend, yet you have a girlfriend! full respect to you, wish i could do that, and you dad was filming it!!! send the video to me!!

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