
What do you do if your dog pees how do i get him to stop?

by  |  earlier

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My dog peed on the carpet and I shoved his face into it and said NO but I saw a show and the dog trainer said not to do that....But I don't remember what she said to do instead of that. UUUUG now what?




  1. Definitely don't shove his face in it...he won't understand.  If you keep your dog on a schedule, then you shouldn't have these accidents.  Clean up the pee (make sure it doesn't have a smell to it anymore) because he'll think it's okay to pee there.  My dog peed on my work shoes because they smell like pee (I work at a dog daycare).  When you take him outside, give him lots of praise.  He should give you warning signs when he's gotta go.  Scheduling is really the best thing ever.  Make sure meals happen at the same time every day...don't just leave out a big bowl of food.

  2. Would you shove a baby's face in it's pee? Use common sense, by rubbing the dog's face in the pee it only makes it more afraid and will find another spot to pee in the house. It's YOUR FAULT he is peeing in the house anyway. People need to understand that you have to take your dog out every couple of hours. When he goes outside, give him a treat. Make it a good time for him. NEVER do anything to a dog you wouldn't do to a baby.

  3. Use common sense. If you had a toddler that you were potty training and he/she had an accident would you shove it in the toddler's face? Jeez, common sense. Pick him up and set him in the place you want him to pee. Take him out every hour to that area so he knows, be patient he will get the hang of it.just be consistent.  

  4. Give him treats when ever he pees in the right place

    hope this helps

  5. When the dog wakes up, take it outside.

    After the dog eats, take it outsidie.

    every 30 minutes, take it outsidie

    Watch the dog constantly.

    And remember, take it out side if it sniffs anything.

    Clean your carpet where it peed.

    Take it out side

    Take it out side

  6. well get something that makes a noise that the dog doesn't like, so every time you see him pee on the floor make that noise - so peeing on the floor = bad noise.

  7. LMAOOO. your so funny. i never owned a dog but i would just scream at the top of my

  8. To clean up the stain, always clean it up as quickly as possible.  Start by getting as much of the wetness up as possible with paper towels.  Then use a cleaner specifically designed to clean up urine stains, and clean the area very well using the directions on the back of the bottle.  If your dog has had several accidents I would suggest cleaning the whole carpet.  Rent a steam cleaner.  They always go back to the same few areas if they can smell where they have gone before.  You need to take the dog out at regular times.  When you wake up.  20-30 min after each meal the dog eats.  Every three hours that you are home with the dog.  When the dog gets the hang of it, then you may not have to go as often, and hopefully the dog will find some way of letting you know.  My dog sleeps with me, So she goes to bed when I do.  As soon as we get up she goes out.  When I go to work, I put her in the bathroom.  If she has an accident while I am gone it is not on carpet so it is easy to clean up.  Normally though, she does not go in the bathroom at all.  I come home for lunch every day and take her out again.  We get in some play time after a quick bite.  She goes back in the bathroom when I go back to work.  As soon as I come home she gets to go out again.  She then gets her evening meal.  Before bed we go out again.  

    If you catch them in the act of messing inside, say, "NO!" and got pick them up and take them out immediately.  If they finish going when you get outside praise them like they have brought you a diamond ring.

    Another thing that helped at first.  I gave her a tiny piece of treat any time she did any of her business outside, immediately.  As soon as she squatted to pee, I immediately started praising her, "GOOD GIRL!"  As soon as she was done peeing I gave her a tiny bite of a treat, and pet her and loved on her and praised her.  Now she gets a treat if she does all the business outside.

  9. give him a treat every time he pees outside and lots of love.

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