
What do you do if your father and mother order you to violate one of the ten commandments?

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Since disobeying them would be a violation of a commandment? Especially if they say, "Do not obey us." Then you're really in trouble.




  1. Honoring one's parents doesn't include sinning at their command.

  2. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is our mother too (even moreso than our own biological mothers).  She would never order anyone to act in opposition to God's Will.  She is the perfect creature and Mediatrix of All Graces.

    God bless!


  3. That depends on where it's illegal or not.  Or just wrong.  I can't imagine they would do that though.

  4. I'd do it only if I wanted to (and wasn't illegal). I don't gave a d*** what my 'rents tell me to do. I do what I want and I normally have no problem breaking most of the 10 commandments (see I said most, not all. Some I actually think are good)

  5. Break another one: Thou shall not kill.

  6. Your parents have the right to stone you to death, according to the bible.  I wonder if the bible mentions anything about an "unlawful" order?  

  7. Wouldn't happen

  8. If you a child under the age of 13 yrs then it is the parents sin.

  9. Well, if we go by Asimov, the first Commandments take precedence over later ones. So you should obey your parents if they tell you to murder, steal, lie, covet or commit adultery, but not if they tell you to violate the Sabbath or worship other gods...

  10. Respectfully refuse to obey them.

    You're right though. That would create quite a paradox if they said, "Do not obey us." I think at that point my head would either explode or implode, I'm not sure which.

  11. this is not a question of religion, this is a question of child abuse...oh and breaking 9 out of the 10 commanments is breaking the law

  12. I would say "why are you asking me to do that, you're not even religious. Why don't you do it yourself?"

  13. do what you feel is right in your heart and suffer the consequences if there is any , The courage to back it up and the serenity to accept it . and the wisdom to learn from it . God will forgive

  14. Do you think that maybe the parents would do it on purpose to make one go to h**l.  

  15. Get God's guidance but God's will is more important than a parent's who is out of God's will.

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