
What do you do if your feet sink when you are trying to do a back float?

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I teach swimming lessons and one of the boys in my level 5 class's feet sink down and pull his stomach down when he tries to do a back float. Are there any tricks to help this or is it just his body composition? He is pretty skinny and doesn't have much fat on him at all. He can't even last 20 seconds without his feet sinking. Thanks.




  1. I would try to keep your legs more straight!

  2. point toes(ballerina style)

    push hips up

    keep legs straight

    tilt head back soooooo slightly


  3. He needs to work on getting air deeper into his diaphragm to help him balance his upper and lower body. More than likely he is just taking short breaths into his chest because he is afraid of sinking. He needs to relax more and arch his back. His head should be tilted back like someone is going to give him rescue breathing. Doing these will be hard for him at first but with a little practice he will be more comfortable with it and it will be second nature.

    Good luck in your instruction.

  4. You have to kick your feet mostly... it helps to move you arms  but i guess hes not  there yet

  5. I've tried several times and I can't do it either. My feet sink like his does. Maybe some people just can't do it.

  6. His feet should not sink if he is holding them up with his leg muscles, if you know what I am saying.  To float you need to relax but you also need to be aware and control your arms and legs.  Maybe you can tell him to think about his legs not sinking and try to keep the muscles tighter.

  7. You try to put your feet back up and keep your balance.

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