
What do you do if your hair keeps falling out?

by Guest58541  |  earlier

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I have really long hair, and every time I leave it down and I happen to just touch it, long strands of hair are always coming out. I feel like soon I won't have a hair on my head. What is the cause of this?

I remember someone once mentioning that their hair was falling out, so they need to get it trimmed. Do I just need a trim, or something?

Also, my sister has been complaining that her face is really oily, and breaks out because she feels the oils in her face is causing her the pimples, so she gets scabby if she picks them. Any advice you have i can pass on to her? Thanks a bunch...




  1. Yes, try getting your hair trimmed. Tell your hairdresser about your hair problem. There's a chance that it could be serious, however, so you probably should go to the doctors to check it out after you get it trimmed if trimming it doesn't fix the problem. Your hair could possibly be severely damaged by something...perhaps from washing it too roughly way too much. If you wash it twice a day, lighten up and wash it once every other day. Trust me, it's much healthier on your hair.

    Your sister should go see a dermatologist about her skin issue. The oils could be caused by a diet change. Has she been eating any new foods recently? No matter what your answer to that is, she should consult her dermatologist to help her problem. Good luck.

  2. go to the docter and he/she will tell u what to do or what can help the promblem

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