
What do you do if your in a public park toilet doing it on a j*p style toilet and no toilet paper?

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like in j*p parks




  1. omg i would love to have one of those things!!

  2. Use your hand

  3. Obviously you should have just pooped your pants.

  4. bad qs never  happen to me

  5. pull up your pants and walk home gingerly.

    god help you if you have to sit down in a car to drive back haha

  6. whoa... uhm lmao i dunno!

  7. j*p style?

    j*p parks?

  8. Sit there for a minute or two. Then get up and go get a paper towel or something, and wipe your self.

  9. ... there should be a button on the toilet that sends a jet of water onto your... places.  That's what cleans them.

  10. Use you left hand, wash it well. Next time don't go in without your own paper. It's the Arabic solution. That's why you always shake the right hand of an Arab.

  11. my friend used his sock once. of course he had to throw that away afterwards. if you don't feel like giving up socks, then use leaves. it's teh closest thing.

  12. Do what the j*p's do.

  13. rough it.

  14. take your pantys of and use them and go home as soon as possible

  15. Option 1: Use water jet

    Option 2: Bring in your own toilet paper

    Option 3: RUN!

  16. use your sock(s)

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