
What do you do if your mom and dad are dead?

by  |  earlier

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my mwhat should i do?om and dad are dead




  1. what do you mean what do you do?  You continue living your life.

    what exactly are you trying to ask?

  2. sorry i dont understand ur question.....r u in trouble, do u need advice....

  3. I do the same thing I do every other day of my life.  Live.

  4. call you police dept they can help you get help

  5. I don't completely understand your question sweet heart but if your parents have passed and you are needin some one to talk to feel free to email me at I am a good listener and i have lost both my parents in the past 10 yrs.....

    Best of Luck,

    Crystal S

  6. "all we are is dust in the wiiind"

  7. Well dont you go to your godparents?

    or it maybe in their will, as to who you go to.

  8. what do u do as far as what? im not sure what you're asking

  9. do the best you can without them.  my mom and dad died years ago, i miss them, but I have to take care of myself.  you can also talke to a close relative, friend, or pastor, someone you trust.

  10. usually if your under 16 youre put in a home.

    but if your over that age the goverment ( income support etc) will pay youre way of fundings for your houde until you can do so yourself.

    im sorry for your loss by the way.

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