
What do you do in PE activities for a tenth grader?

by  |  earlier

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what kinds of things do u do?? do u have to run the mile every day????????????




  1. Well at my school you finish pe freshman year. So i am done. You prob do the same type of things that you did in 9th grade.

  2. ouch! sucks for you! i finished PE lastyear as a freshman. no more gym class for the rest of my highschool life!

    no you don't have to run the mile every least not at my schoool. you mainly do sports for different semesters. i had to do softball, rollerblading, swiming(you have to swim a mile), dancing, basketball, football, and volleyball. it's actually quite fun!

    you probably will only have to run the mile once or twice every semester

  3. I am in tenth grade (going into) and they run a mile once a week. We usually do push ups/other warm ups, then simple running warm ups, then running, and then an activity like soccer or baseball.  

  4. i am a sophomore too

    but i don't have to worry about P.E. at my school because i am in a sport and people in sports have their own routine

    but i guess the P.E. depends on your school

    i know that for people who aren't in a sport at my school have the options of learning a sport [tennis, basketball, etc...] or they can do aerobics or weight training  

  5. 1.  Do some calisthenics -- jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups.

    2.  Run around the track.

    3.  Attempt to do some pull-ups.

    4.  Do a team sport, like touch football, soccer, baseball, basketball.

    Sometimes, go to the weight room and mess around with the weights and exercise machines.

  6. You do a lil bit of evreything

  7. Nooooo, you don't.

    They can't make you do that.

    All my friends are telling me that the only new thing they are doing is taking swimming for gym.

    Other than that it's the same thing as 7 - 9th.


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