
What do you do in ROTC or JROTC or whatever it's called?

by  |  earlier

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how long do you have to be in it until you will be a PFC

(Private First Class) when you enlist




  1. Im in mcjrotc (marine corps jrotc).  If your in the program for 2 years, you get pfc.  If your in 4, you could go higher, just depends on the type of branch.              Semper fi

  2. Hmm..wasn't it just you who told me I looked too "fat" to be in the Army? If you can't be respectful in other ppl's questions and give an answer pertaining to the actual question or subject then don't say anything at all or expect the same. If you make some of those same crappy remarks that you made just a minute ago ( while in the military you won't make it very far lil boy!

    I will put all BS aside though since you are obviously a little boy seeking some grown "people" guidance.  I have provided you with some links to where you can find some info on the two programs in question.  Good luck and I really hope for your sake that your attitude changes.

  3. JROTC is in High School

    ROTC - is in College


    scott f - your information is wrong!

    after succesful completion of JROTC, YOU can enlist as an E-3

    (PFC) nothing higher.

    FYI: Eagle Scout rank will also get you E-3 when you enlist.

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