
What do you do in a fine dining establishment and loud kids are present?

by  |  earlier

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It's after 9PM.........This place costs easily $100 plus to eat there....The kids came in after you....The parents completely ignore everything their kids are doing...Complaining to the waiter has done nothing.....Should I say something to the parents? Or just go home mad...........What would you do?




  1. When I was a waitress - I was not happy that my customers were not happy and I was not going to get a good tip. The table with the kids isn't going to like the being told how to raise their children and the other customers are having their evening ruined. So I am really the injured party.

    As a customer - I was wishing that the parents would have gotten a babysitter. I would say something to the waitress if it got too bad knowing that saying something to the parents is only going to cause a scene and make things worse.

    As a parent - I leave as quickly as possible and double tip. Or I leave my little darling toddler at home where he can wear as much of his food as he wants since my laundry room is next to the kitchen.

  2. You can't control the people at the restaurants you go to.  What would you do if there were some adults sitting nearby who were being loud or obnoxious?  Unfortunately, there's not much you can do other than ask to be moved to a table further away from the kids.

  3. Jeez, don't do or say anything.  Endure with dignity.  You were a kid once.  You may be a parent some day.

  4. you ask (firmly) to be moved to another table.

    no reason to go home mad.

    kids are gonna be kids.  maybe you were a terror when you were their age.  

    the parent's probably dying a little inside with their kids' "performance", you just can't tell.... but they are probably mortified.

    i've been there and done that, and i friggin never ate out for years without some sort of drama, so i just stopped going out until the kids got civilized.

    sorry about your predicament.

  5. well first i would tell my kids to be

    then i read further, after 9, no one should have their kids in a fine dining est. they should be in bed. if your kids are the type that dont know how to act in a restraunt what the heck is wrong with the parents, they need to take them to the car,

    anyway, my answer is ask for a different seat, and if that doesnt do it, leave.

  6. try talking to the parents, nicely, because parents tend to be sensitive about thier kids

  7. I would ask for the Maitre'd and speak to them about it

  8. Eat one of the kids.

  9. I would ask to see the manager. It is management duty to see that patrons are comfortable. I would ask for the family to be spoken to, or request a table so far away they would no be ruining your evening. If that failed, I'm the type of person who would speak directly to the parents and ask them to kindly control their children. If that also fails, I would demand a refund on my meal and leave.

  10. You should tell the manager or the waiter to tell the kids that they need to shut up or they will get thrown out thats what i usualy do!

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