
What do you do in a library when?

by  |  earlier

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Kids are acting up, running, etc. People answer their cell phones and then keep talking even though there is a sign stating to please turn them off. Adults are talking loudly, i.e. speaking to their kids in outside voices calling to them from across aisles, etc.

I tell the kids to cut it out that they are in a library, and I don't care if the parents are there or not. One of my favorites is to say "didn't your parents teach you how to act in a library? Obviously not".

I say something like - so much for asking people to turn off their cells phones - so the person can hear me.

I casually mention to the adult that this is a library, and they are talking too loudly. I hope their kids are around when I do it so maybe they will learn also.

If they persist, I tell the librarian.




  1. It is getting rough.

  2. ok and sorry but what does this have to do with adoption? and what are you asking? cause it seems to be that you already have this under control.

  3. Some people choose not to respect others and their surroundings.  The best thing you can do is be the bigger person and deal with it.  Yelling about their cell phone ringing loud enough so they can hear it is immature.  Telling the librarian is fine but short of taping someones mouth shut there is not much they can do about the situation.  Maybe you should start going to a different library.

    God Bless!!

  4. If it's really bothering you, ask them kindly to quiet down. No smart ellic remarks. Then show them by what you do and how quiet you are.

  5. Can't say that I've ever had that problem.  Why is it in the adoption category?

  6. BREATHE!!....If this is your biggest concern in life, then you are doing ok.....if it continues to bother you, next time, don't feel the need to act superior, just take some ear plugs with you!

  7. ????????????????????????????????????????...

  8. You go girl!

  9. I think this may have posted to the wrong category, but I do hear what you are saying.  Some parents do not seem to control their children nor teach them manners.  I think that we teach our children by example.  If we as parents cannot be polite (such as turning our phones off in the library) or following the rules, we cannot expect our children to learn those values and rules either.

  10. those a******s....ask them to follow you outside then beat the **** out of them with a copper pipe. that'll teach em how to act in a library.

  11. Tell the librarian!  These kids and adults should respect the fact that you are just trying to read or work quietly, and the library is not a playground.

  12. Right On - except I wouldn't yell at someone elses kid but I would make a comment to the parent.

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