
What do you do in a thunder storm?

by  |  earlier

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right now, theres a tornado in my county, and its really bad outside, and i just seen a tree go down, does anybody know what i can do?

i know that i'm supposed to be in the basement .




  1. stay away from windows and door, go to ur basement Now, and get something to protect yourself and maybe some food.

  2. I just enjoy the sights and sounds and watch the water run off the house or the street..So relaxing..

  3. Well me if the storm isn't too bad and I'm with my boyfriend the loud thunder scares me so we lay in bed and we cuddle that's it ;) Or I get on the phone and call him, just the sound of his voice comforts me and puts me at ease.  Judging from your question I can tell that all you're getting from the tornado is the wind and the rain.  Are you in Texas?  It seems to be tornado season right now so that's common.  As long as you're no where near the cyclone then there's really nothing to worry about because it's not gonna do much damage where you're at, so just relax ;) Got a boyfriend?  Go call him lol

  4. Lightning could strike and cause your computer and television set to explode. Turn 'em off like right now eh.

    Then get to the basement under the stairs until you know the danger of tornadoes is past.

  5. in my family we stay away from the windows, don't take a shower or a bath, and don't answer the don't need to hide in the basement that's a tornadoe or a hurricane.

  6. Well,I never do what you're suppose to do because I'm silly,but unless there is dangerous winds,I usually stand outside with an umbrella and watch it.. :)

    But you're suppose to stay away from windows,turn off computers,and the main power switch,and sometimes even unplug it. get a couple candles together and a battery flashlight and radio,and wait it out.  If you are under a tornado watch/warning,I would get to the lowest level of your house,with something sturdy to get under,like a mattress,if not that than a table or something,and of course,water,flashlight,battery-powered radio,and some trail mix or something,and wait for the all-clear. If you are under a warning,you should not even be reading this,you should already be hiding in the basement.. or the center hallway with something over your head.

  7. get off the comp and get into the basement with a pillow or something to shield you in case it does hit your place. Hopefully it won't though.

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