
What do you do in the US if you believe The President is mentally unstable?

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Don't ask me what we do in the UK if we have the same problem with the Prime Minister. That's my next Q I'm posting.

There ought to be an annual psychological assessment.

Maybe it should be included in the constitution.

(actually..... could we have every six months)




  1. We re-elect them. So far Bush and Clinton are classic examples of this. Then again, who better to run a nation gone mad than a madman? I guess we have done so by choosing "The lesser of evils". YIKES!

  2. section him lol tc

  3. You become a part of the majority that is getting screwed by the minority. That's about it as far as I can tell and it's just the same in the UK.

  4. lets just hope this fool doesn't bring us all to the third and probably last world war before he finally gets confined to history in january, what a despicable man he is.

  5. Most of them have been. We sit and laugh at them and wonder what they'll do next.

  6. they would be replaced by the vice president if they were found to be unfit. same as in the UK they would be replaced by the vice priminister, the next in line, the next top man of the party.

  7. I'm pretty sure, that the U.S Congress would Impeach him.

    But you're right the U.S President should mandatorily get an annual psychological assessment. To see for sure how he's doing mentally.

    Because the president does decisions that can involve a whole Nation.

  8. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment addresses this issue.  There is a clause in this amendment that allows the Vice-President to temporarily take over if the president is disabled or unable to serve.  The VP and a majority of the cabinet must vote to do this, then inform the Speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate.  

    There are a lot of technicalities to this amendment, but if the VP, a majority of the cabinet, and 2/3 of Congress agree then they can permanently remove the president from office and allow the VP to take over.

    Impeachment is only possible if the president commits treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.  If the president is crazy, but hasn't committed any of those crimes, then the procedure in the 25th Amendment is all you could do.

  9. We would impeach them

    The good thing about checks and balances is that the president can't do anything rash without facing opposition.

  10. Well gee thank you again for posting what YOU think we should do

    Don't the yanks get to you always telling others what to do and sticking their noses into other peoples business They have some kind of nerve

  11. Impeachment, but only if the Congress has the balls to take action.

  12. Anyone willing to take on the presidency has just proven there lack of sanity

  13. Well, how do you prove they're unstable and not seem politically biased?

    I said that mentally there wasn't something right with Clinton, but everyone told me I was just saying it because I was a Republican.

  14. In the he can be impeached and forced t resign. Congress has that power.

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