
What do you do in your free time from dawn to dusk?

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What do you do in your free time from dawn to dusk?




  1. I am retired, at home most of the time. I actually have little free time, as I do many of the household chores. Wife works full time.

    I arise at 7 am, prepare breakfast, feed the cats, pack her lunch, get and read the newspaper, go online, second cup of coffee, pay bills, balance check book, write some stuff on Eons, answer Qs on Y!A, empty dishwasher and refill it, have lunch, back on computer, snack, think about dinner, back on computer, TV (Judge Judy) 4 pm, make dinner, feed cats again, wife comes home, eat dinner, clear off and fill dishwasher, sit & talk about her day, and relax in recliner with TV...bedtime about 10:30 pm.

  2. I am the female version of Floridian, who posted above me...I have 4 cats and one husband who works...

  3. work. not free time, i charge for it.:)

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