
What do you do o get involved with your community...?

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What do you do o get involved with your community...?




  1. I help high school kids get into college.

  2. I make a habit of not shooting my neighbors.

  3. I'm an intern at our State Legislature.  I have learned that the United States has the worst form of government in the world, except for all the rest.

  4. I support the 700 hundred club

  5. Every spring and all threw summer I help my old grade school with their garden.

  6. i would ask my friends to help me out in this sittuation but u can raise money bye doing car washes! thats what i do! i dont kno if im answering the question proporly though! lol , sorry if i dont

  7. waving to my neighbors ... seriously

  8. Giving rides to church for kids from parents who don't give a c**p a s s to give them one.

  9. help feed the homless  sometimes but not often enough

  10. i volunteer at various places. the YWCA, my community has a church come for the summer and i help out there. Fighting Back its something thats keeps teens out of trouble they talk to them about drugs and s*x, i went to st. louis and learned from other people around the world. and occasionally pick up trash i see lying around.

  11. okay to be involved you go to volunteer places there are many of them and you volunteer you services easy as there is rotary, lions, apex and also other groups as well

  12. Not enough.  The best I do is going on a monthly "art walk" to buy artwork from our area's local artists.

  13. I volunteer with a nonprofit group; at least 10 hours per month-and at times far more-over 160 per month.

    I participate in the activities of my Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Watch group (not a homeowners association, but a voluntary group open to all residents without any dues or fees). We get updates and alerts via e-mail about crime in our area, gather once a month to discuss issues affecting our area and often have local public officials attend.

    Participate in local efforts to plant trees and other plants at local parks, schools, and along the parkways in my neighborhood.

    Periodically attend debates and public hearings in my community.

    Vote in all elections; and do a bit of research before voting.

    Donate money to local charities and other nonprofit groups.

    Have served on local advisory boards.

    Donate blood periodically.

    Attend functions at our local Public Library.

    Getting involved is easy. Being effective with that involvement is the challenge.....;)

  14. volunteer at church

  15. i tutor kids at the library, read to kids during "story time" at the library, volunteer at the local hospital, help out at the animal shelter, entertain at the senior citizen center, serve food at the soup kitchen and organize a city clean up every other month. i also volunteer at red cross events when my age group is allowed to help out (im only 16). i do all of these things on a weekly basis....never noticed how much stuff i did til now. lol.

  16. Become a part of it.  Get involved with activities of interest.  If  you like softball, join a league, meet new friends, volunteer your time at a school, church, etc....   Identify with your friends and neighbors.  Beware of the lunatics.

  17. I fix computers for low income families, single moms...etc.


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