
What do you do on a long commute to entertain yourself?

by  |  earlier

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My daily commute is anywhere from 45 minutes - 2 hours one way depending on traffic, and I am running out of ways to stay mentally active during this time period. I listen to the radio, and talk on the phone, but it still drags on forever and ever.

What are some things YOU do when you're stuck in traffic to pass the time?






  1. Try listening to audio books on CD's or cassettes.  Your local library will have many of them to borrow.  Happy Motoring.

  2. Listen to my favorite Radio Station NPR - National Public Radio.  Play Christian music and think about some crazy math problems that I could solve in class.

  3. Try getting a .45 and doing some target practice, especially if a driver pisses you off.

  4. Try describing to yourself (silently of course) facial features of other commuters in the same coach or those you spot at stations.  This will sharpen your observation skills.  And you will soon learn that you need to find more words to describe the same feature.  Great way to expand your vocabulary too!

    E..g dark skin, mole above upper lip, parrot nose, blue eyes, dimples only on left side, thin upper lips, freckled nose but not face...etc, etc.

    IMPORTANT: Don't stare! It's rude. And resist sniggering when you see something/someone cute or funny!  Do it when the person you are observing does not appear to be looking your way.  AND be wary of those in dark glasses - they could be doing exactly the same thing with you - because they read this answer too!

  5. I drive for a living and have resorted to counting overpasses or even looking for similarities in license plates or how many from different states. Most of my driving is overnight so I just find comedy Cd's to listen to or you could play some Music and make up your own lyrics

  6. books on tape

    or better still, skill building audio.

    vocabulary building.

    once i learned morse code from tapes while driving.

    study for a new certification.

    podcasts you like.

    use it as 'creative time' to think.

    look all over, not just at the road in front of you.

    you can use the time to improve yourself.

    learn how to do lots of things.

    you could even record things yourself to listen to.

    how about comedy?

    laughing is good for you and comedy CDs can really brighten your days.

    instead of social calls, make some of your business calls while you drive.

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