
What do you do on a sunday?

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What do you do on a sunday?




  1. i get up, put my two puppies in the car and pick up the sunday paper..then come home, read it, make bkfst, may do some cleaning or  yard work...unless i have something special planned

  2. Work! :(  

  3. During the summer, we spend most weekends on our little boat on a canal.

  4. Go mental, and go even more mental if I have school the next day...

  5. usually hungover so wake up about 12 make my boyfriend wake up then we lie in bed with tea & toast watching hollyoaks ominibus then wait for his mum to come round with our sunday dinner and get up eat in in our living room whilst watching come dine with me then early night haha.

  6. Go to mass with my family, come home after buying lunch..then eat it..go out for a walk or possibly a sports match have dinner and watch tv!

  7. i always go waterskiing :P

  8. Hang out at home or with mates, do unusual things like maybe a bit of homework for uni, anything that comes to mind that is affordable.

    Ignore the fact when funds are short and find something fun to do anyway.  

  9. i usually call my bestie and we hang out like all day and thts pretty much it maybe we go shopping or swimming or wutever idk y r u asking this anyway

  10. I get up at 9, go to church, sometimes help out and serve tea and coffee afterwards, but after that I mainly go home, have Sunday dinner and sit around all afternoon relaxing until about 7 o'clock when I realise that I have done none of my homework and it's all in for the next day, stay up until about 12 getting it all done. In fact I am perfectly aware that I have work to do, I am just a chronic procrastinator.

  11. First there the morning love making. Then Me and my boyfriend get up and make breakfast and then chill out in front of the tv and watch Hollyoaks. Then we just chill really. We may go shopping, cook dinner and go out for drives. Sundays are a good day as we relax mostly.  

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