
What do you do on long car journeys?

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I'm going to spain with my family soon. i am 16 years old and im the passenger (I cant drive the car cos im not old enough!!). It is a 14 hours in the car. What should i do to keep myself amused?? what do u do?? if ur an adult what do u tell ur kids to do?? please give feedback and advice thanks nix x




  1. 14 hours? Are you sure? I think someone mightbe having you on there!

    Even if you live by the entry to the channel tunnel or ferry port, and you're just going to the border of Spain with France, I think you might be talking about a little bit longer than 14 hours!

    Are you really going to do it in one go?! Rather you than me! Take some cards, games, and a big pillow to sit on! Have fun!

  2. Listen to my Ipod

    Play on DS

    Play Games in the car


  3. If you have a PSP, iPod, Portable DVD player take them. Take lots of magazines and if you like reading take a couple of books too.

    Also bring a pillow and sleep as much as you can makes time fly.

  4. Driving that is very hard and hard on ur butt.But i would say on a trip like that being a passenger u got a couple choices.One would be before the trip dont sleep in the night and just sleep the whole trip.Another is you could bring a music player,Lap top with game,magizine,food,book and most of that stuff sould keep u busy.But most likely u will get into the scenery and probably look out the window.The other thing is have a good long conversion in the car with the people ur going with and most the time that will speed the trip up.Good luck and have a safe trip.

  5. So it would seem I'm one of the few who enjoy roadtrips.

    Dont close yourselfoff w/ a laptop and ipod. you''re going to spain... pressumably to see spain. Look out the window, see the differences, talk about it with your family, play music that everyone can lsten too. If you need a break read a book. Try and help plan the route you take and find intresting places to stop and visit on the way.

    you're lucky to get to go, dont waste it dong something you would on your couch at home. just a thought.

  6. I am usually driving, but tell my kids to pack DS's,with plenty of good games to entertain them, some reading material, and for long journeys I stick a DVD on, you can get your dad to buy a player quite cheaply now, and if you wear headphones to listen to it, you won't put im off at those confusing french/spanish roundabouts! I guess you will sleep a fair bit too! and enjoy the scenery, take a digital camera with you and make your own documentary on your holiday in Spain!

    Good Luck!

  7. Are we there yet?

    Are we there yet?

    Are we there yet?

    lol. Listen to music. MP3s are your friends. Talk to a friend. Get a handheld console.

    Count cars... lol

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