
What do you do or say before a fight?

by  |  earlier

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Do you do the whole trash talk thing like "I'm gna wipe floor with you" and then punch or kick the air or one of those over acted dramatic "I come from a world where such word are meaningless because you killed my brother and left me for dead, when I defeat you my soul will finally know the meaning of tranquility and can finally rest" and the gracefully pull your sword out?

Or are you more of the silent type?




  1. I dont really do anything before a fight. I just let them say whatever they want and when the fight starts I beat them like a drum. I'd rather avoid.

  2. I let them know that I will defend myself at any and all cost.  After that I put my hands up and shut my trap after thats said and let the cards land where they may.    

  3. Silent type!

  4. punch them while their mouth is open. easy KO

  5. Wait, what???

  6. I think actions speaks for itself, there is no need to blabbermouth and be so cocky because you might lose and be ashamed your whole life. as i said let actions speak for themselves. hope this helps.

  7. R u gonna kick my ***? ..... sorry it's my fault

    with these words u can miss the fight easily before it starts !

  8. Silent type. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. And all that jazz. But seriously, there is no reason to talk trash if you are confident. The trash talk is for people who feel they need to gain an edge by trying to get in some body's head. I let my actions speak for me. I've beat several people who tried to talk trash, and just think who stupid they looked afterwords. Also, by staying silent you are more of a mystery. Are you scared, or just biding your time? I'm the silent type. The quieter the better.

  9. I'm the silent type.I keep my jaw clenched and dont speak and ether strike instantly or wait my chance,unless I'm given the choice to walk away which I do.

  10. im gonna rip off your neck and shove it down ur throat and then wipe your *** with your own severed head

  11. well, I dont street fight.  But before a kickboxing or MMA match, I usually show good sportsmanship by touching gloves.  I never trash talk anyone. I hate fighters like that, it just makes combat sports look even worse.

  12. Are you sure you want to do this? or I tell ya what, I'll meet you outside in 5 minutes, if I'm not there in 5 start without me.

  13. A single word or phrase: "Don't," "Back off" or something to that effect.

    If they heed, I'm out'a there!

    When your means of avoiding or escaping the situation are gone...

    Don't talk --  just watch and listen!

    A short warning is all I give. Any other attempts to communicate will reveal a lot more information than you want to give to a skilled person who can read his opponent.

  14. I usually tell them to go practice falling down a few times and then I'll be right over.

  15.   I am more the quiet type.Fighting won't solve anything.If talking doesn't work...walk away.There should be staff personnel/security that can help detain them so you can escape.

  16. People are shocked by how I act before sparring, instead of being cocky or arrogant, I do the standard Gongfu bow/salute, then a family bow, which is showing a lot of respect.

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