when someone tailgates you? What's the best way to handle it? What's the correct procedure?
I was on a county road and it's two lane, solid line. The speed limit was 55 and I was going 60, what I normally do. Anyway this person coming speeding up behind me and got less than a foot away from my back bumper, I'm guessing. Anyway...really really close. It was raining too...pouring.
This makes me so uncomfortable so I sped up to 65 thinking that would space us out a little more. Nope! The person quickly caught up and stayed right behind me. I tried lightly tapping on the brakes as if to say "hey look I could stop any time" but it didn't work. Anyone I eventually got on the interstate and he passed me as soon as he was off the on ramp. He crossed over two lanes of traffic.
Anyway...what do you do in this situation? I'm 19 and I've had my license about 2 years. I'm still confused what to do.