
What do you do.........?

by  |  earlier

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what do u do when you figure out you're friend that you've known for 5 years is bi........and you're straight and u slept over at her house all the time..........(shes 13 [14 in few days])...........its against being bi or g*y or L*****n and i dont know what to do........ohh and im 13 just makes me sick........and all the girls who slept over were bi and they were biting eachother and now i cant think of my friend the same way.........what should i do?




  1. leave her alone...and find another friend :D

  2. it's a shame that she has been a good friend to you all these years and just finding out one fact changes everything, after all, she's still the same person she was before you knew; if that's the case you are not a true friend and you aren't being fair to her by pretending that you are

    what makes you think she's gonna be all weird around you, you  can be a christian and still respect other people's personal decisions

    then stop being her friend, so that she doesn't think that you are her friend when you really aren't... wouldn't it be better to just come out and tell her that you don't really agree with her and don't really want to be friends anymore than lie to her, and if you still want to be her friend, then ask her not to do those things.  i mean, she couldn't possibly have changed over night so she acted that way before you knew she was bi and you were fine with it then before you found out

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