
What do you do??????

by Guest66847  |  earlier

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when someone in your life (like a family member) goes off at you a lot and makes you feel worthless? ):




  1. I don't know a lot about that condition or how much control he has over his emotions. You could try talking to him when he is calm and see if her understands that he hurts you and maybe he could stop. Or he might explain to you he can't control it and he doesn't mean it. It might help you to feel better knowing what he is saying is a result of his condition and he knows it bothers you and doesn't really feel that way about you or mean those things.

    Good luck.  

  2. Try not to spend too much time worrying about what this person thinks. It is pretty obvious that they are probably not happy with the decisions they made in life. It is good to get opinions, but if they are tearing you down, then they aren't being helpful about it. You may want to ask them why they do this. If you respect their opinion and genuinely want it you may need to tell them that there is no need to be cruel in getting their point across. It may be wise to tell them that you really respect their opinion but that it hurts you when they make you feel useless. If you don't respect their opinion, then you need to take the person in small doses. (Don't be around them too much).

  3. jenn, these are the type of people we try to avoid..however, family is family, u cant get away from this one.  U gotta learn to brush it off your shoulder, not just dont let him see it bother you but try not to let it bother u on the inside either.  He only does it to get to you, and its working.

  4. I know exactly how u feel!  My brother is bipolar, has ADD, OCD and the whole lot (He got the lucky genes)...

    My brother (whose 19) does the stupidest things sometimes and he does anything to aggravate us (my family)...

    The doctors told us that although he looks his age, his responsibilty and maturity only slowly progresses, so they say that when he's like 26 or something he'll have the maturity of an 18-20 year old...I think you just have to have patience...

    But honestly, my brother and I don't even legit talk's just more like walk by eachother, it's like an only talk if completely necessary kinda thing...he tells me he hates me and blah blah how I'm a geek (true!:-) and all of this other mean stuff...telling me how he wishes I died...but I just ignore him when he says those things.

    Just go to counseling I guess.  Or, when my brother had a counselor he would have a chart for every day of the week and when he would do something that makes you feel worthless or is just rude to u, he would get a frown face eachtime (unlimited for each day)...and a happy face for good things he did (no matter how small)...if the smiles outweighed the frowns for the week, he would be allowed to get something at a store for himself (This was when he was like 13-14...not sure how old urs is)...Maybe your brother will pick up benevolence as a prominent personality trait?

    Oh, and ur def.not worthless:-)

  5. The best thing you can do is constantly be nice to him and pray for him.

  6. continue on with life.

    my dad said don't waste your time on that c**p (making music) i kept doing it. now he says you should go on idol.

  7. Well just move past it

    It depends who it was, if its someone who is like that a lot, forget it, but if its someone that normally is very suppoertive and that you really respect, maybe you should think about what you did to make them be this way.

    Please answer my quesiton! Its a big parenting topic right now!;...

  8. If someone has this condition they don't have much control over their emotions and what they say. And they don't mean what they say when they say it. Don't pay attention because he can't help it. Does he have meds to control it? If not, try getting him to a therapist or switching meds because there are meds that will completely control this condition. It is h**l to live with. Sorry for ya babe, keep your chin up!

  9. Like I have always said be like a duck and let all your problems be the water that runs off your back!
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