
What do you do????.......

by Guest62149  |  earlier

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When your bro in law has been staying at your house for the last 3 mos., doesn't pay a thing, has his own place to go to. But keeps coming here. My bf finally had to kick him out and tell him to go home! He feels bad, but his brother has been taking advantage for too long. Not like he is a little teeny bopper, he is 36 yrs old...but always the baby of their family. Time to grow up.....quit using your family as an easy way out!




  1. Sounds like your boyfriend already did what needed to be done. Now he just has to stick to his word and not let him back to stay.

  2. You did the right thing. Sometimes it takes a swift kick in the a** to get people to do what the should do. Tell your BF not to feel bad. A 36 y/o man needs to grow up and take responsibility for his own life.

  3. get your bf to keep kicking him out and sending him home. Then get the locks changed on the doors and don't let him back in. Tell him to go home and stay home.

  4. Yeah, you were right. Too bad some people need to wait until they are told they are overstepping the boundaries.

    I hope your bf doesn't stay feeling bad about what he did for very long.

  5. Sounds like you already did the right thing.

    Some people will do whatever they can get away with. Good thing, you put and end to it now.

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