
What do you do-- teens?

by  |  earlier

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well today when i went to the store there were these 3 guys that were pretty hot. they were just standing there and checking me out. i made eye contact and held it with one of them. after i passed them i was still in earshot and i heard one of them say to the other 2 that i was "s**y as h**l".

1.what do u girls usually do when guys check you out? your confdence boosted? u take it as a compliment?

4.what do u think guys are thinking when they check u out?

i was just wondering what other teens my age do.

btw guys can answer too!!





  1. 1. Smile flirt

    2. most deff

    3. mhm. its always nice

    4. I think haha they can check me out all they want. they ain't gettin this.

    then i walk by and say"sorry boys, I'm taken" and flash a smile

  2. I am not a teen, I am 21, but Can I answer?


    1. I look the other way.

    2. Sometimes, depends, cause sometimes old, nasty men will look at me and this disgusts me.

    3. Yes

    4. I sometimes think they are just seeing how pretty I am or how my body is; most the time I think they just want to "get some" and they are more than likely dogs, because a "real" man would not act like that will his friends. A real gentleman would not boast.

  3. 1. I smile, make eye contact and maybe wave a little. If they come over, I chat.

    2. My confidence it totally boosted! Though my confidence is fine, it just temporarily goes through the roof.

    3. I'd take it as a compliment, of course. Unless it's a creep, then I'm just weirded out.

    4. I think they just like the way you look. I mean, guys check girls out all the time.

    I'm 17. =)

  4. 1. I usually look back and do a really geeky smile..

    2.If it is nice then yes if it is imature i'm usually pretty mad

    3. depends on how they looked at you most of the time i do

    4.Hmm if yer single or something i guess..

  5. keep walking and ignore it most of the time, but secretly i love it.

    occasionally i flirt hahah. it is a BIG confidence boost. =)

  6. Cool xD I got asked out by a total stranger today, and have gotten told I was hot before by strangers. it REALLY boosts my self esteme! I say hi and wink



    hopefully they think im hot!

  7. What you do is simple. You go up to the alpha of that little group and gently caress his crotch and whisper to him "why don't you and your little friends follow me to my aunte and uncle in Bel-Air, I whistled for a cab and when it came near the Licensplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought now forget it, yo home to bel-air I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby yo, home smell you later Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air."

  8. it depends. if the guy looks cute and seems semi respectful then i make eye contact and smile (just like you did) and walk away.. if he wants to make a move then okay

    if he's a jerk then i ignore him or give him a dirty look.

    2. yeah my cofidence is boosted.. and sometimes it goes to my head lol.  and i act "s**y" hah

    3.^ yeahhhhh, who doesn't

    4.i think they are thinking i'm cute or hot.

    lol this may sound weird but i want to share it with you.

    sooo.. everytime i go to the mall this guys checks me out and trys to get with me but he's like 30! lol i never talk to him. i usually just smile and look at him.. until one of us look away.. usually me [lol] ahh but i love it. so i make sure i pass there when i go to the mall  

  9. 1. Smile. And stop and flirt a little.

    2. Deffinately.

    3. Yes.

    4. I check them out, i don't really know...


  10. Smile to myself and look away, i try not to notice.

    YES lol. Makes me feel like i look better than i think i do.


    Im not so sure i wanna know, lol

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