
What do you do that you hate, yet you can't stop doing it?

by Guest65116  |  earlier

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Is there something you often do that you hate to do, yet you can't help but do it?




  1. Clean my room but i have to do it cause then i cant go out lol

  2. Coke

  3. Exfoliating my elbows once a week. Otherwise they get flaky and/or crusty.

  4. Yes - I hate the fact my boyfriend knows how to completely push my buttons and get a reaction out of me on purpose.  I know he does it; he knows he does it.....even so, it still happens and I can only change my part in it for awhile.  But the more he pushes, it goes back to the same stupid thing! :) ha

  5. Sin in general. There are all kinds of things that I do that if I had the choice to stop doing them forever, I would take that option. I hate my sin, but for some reason I keep sinning.

  6. Sing, can't help but sing. My husband says that I am a wonderful singer, but my family says the opposite, but I can't help but always sing to annoy them.

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