
What do you do to cure a hangover??

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What is the thing you do that cures your hangover the most??




  1. There is so cure sadly. only waiting out the crappy feeling. I usually lay in my bed, try to get some rest, and eat lightly. If i even have an appetite.

    & always keep a bowl by my bedside, just in case!

  2. I don't have a hangover cure, but I do know a preventative.

    If you drink a lot of water with the alcohol, you'll still get drunk, but the water will help flush your system, thereby preventing a hangover.

  3. HYDRATE!  Drink plenty of water, and some Gatorade to replace the electrolytes along with the fluid.  A few aspirin should help too.

    Best thing to do is take some aspirin and drink water BEFORE you go to bed to help prevent the hangover before it starts.

    Dehydration is the main factor to a hangover, followed by stomach rebellion due to the abuse you subjected it to (as well as stomach cramps due to the DEHYDRATION).

  4. A hangover is when a person is very dehydrated and low on vitamins from the long night of drinking so my miracle cure is 2 advil, a multi vitamin, and lots and lots of water. That should do the trick.

  5. drink lots of water and talets

  6. Beer

  7. Eat greasy food.... Really works!! And drink coconut water, found at supermarkets, about 59-99cents a can. Found in the ethnic foods isle.

  8. hangover is caused by dehydration.  Drink lots of water.

  9. curing is harder than preventing.

    if i've been out drinking, it's key to drink water, and take two tylenol, asprin, or some sort of pain-reliever before you fall asleep drunk.

    do that, and it will prevent hangovers.  also, if you drink as much water as you do alcohol, you shouldn't feel so dehydrated and headachy the next day.

    if you're already stuck with a hangover, i go for caffeine, tylenol and water.

    goodluck!  and happy drinking!

  10. nothing can except giving it time,

    at least that's what I was always told.

  11. The thing that you can do to cure a hangover is drink pickle juice... It really works!!!!

  12. When your drinking get so drunk your still drunk the next morning, that way no hangover! but if you already have one lay off the dairy and eat foods like dry wheatabix and sip water, also try and sleep it out.

  13. drink more

  14. Here's the thing, you can drink a lot of water or eat bread which they say helps drain the liquor and there is also this medicine called BC powder which works like a aspirin for hangovers  I think it's like 50 cents or a dollar.

  15. CARBS

    i eat as much carbs as i can and drink tea or water slowly. Try to "layer" the food and drink... Eat a few bites, take a few sips, eat a few bites, take a few sips. You drink too fast and you will just puke it right back up. Same goes for the food.

  16. Honestly, Smoke some pot, It gets rid of nausea Instantly. Thats bad I know, But it truly does help.

  17. Water?

    Alcohol flushes all of that out.

  18. I carry on drinking....

    I wait until Mondays for the hangover to kick in, phone in sick, and then turn up on Friday.

  19. The night before your're going to get smashed buy a bottle of topo chico mineral water some alka seltzer, and limes. Chill the mineral as soon as possible so that it is cold on the day you wake up with your hangover. The next day wake up go to the kitchen and squeeze one whole lime into a glass add a dash of salt, now place two tablets of alka seltzer in the glass, now finally pour the entire bottle of mineral water in mix slightly. wait till all the fizzing stops, then in one whole drink finish it up.(try to drink it up all at once) next go take a cold shower and go on about your day Good luck!!

  20. raw eggs and v8 juice mix wih together it taste nasty but it is good for you.

  21. Drink a double vodka no ice and eat chili fries.

  22. When I used to bartend a lot there were a few times I went in to work with a hangover and seriously took a shot of whiskey.  It sucked and tasted like c**p but it really worked.  Of course I used to drink all the time so that may no work for everyone :)

    Now it seems like my hangovers are really terrible any time I drink even a small amount of alcohol, so I have tons of things I try.  If I have to go to work I take a hot shower and turn it on really cold at the very end.  I get a cup of coffee, eat something light and bready, and take some aspirin.  Throughout the day drink loads of water.  If I don't have to go to work I usually get up and take a shower (when I'm able), then eat something light, drink a glass of water, take some aspirin and lay down.

  23. Just sleep it off or smoke some cigarettes or marijuana :)

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