
What do you do to deal with loneliness? apart from getting on the phone....?

by  |  earlier

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do you write a letter, a poem? paint? how do you address solitude- not entirely wanted- in creative , productive , healthy ways?




  1. I don't know how to do it creatively, productively and heathy.  I know how to do it just the opposite.  Drink, watch tv and eat.  I wish I could deal with it the way you want to.  Good luck.

  2. Get out of the house and do something that will brighten not just your day but the day of some other individual.

    Volunteer at a nursing home to spend time with seniors that have no family,  maybe you just might make a friend that you visit on a weekly basis,  go the your nearest animal shelter and do some volunteer work there.

    Get out to a park and plop yourself down under a tree and read a novel.

  3. i play my guitar and wright music

  4. I deal with lonliness by going for a walk, cooking, reading, watching TV. Talking on IM with my friends who are far away. I try and make myself go out. I am a stay at home mom and most of my friends work or live far away. Its tuff. But I have hope that when my babies are older I will find ways to fill my day with new friends and new ways to spend my time.

  5. I do a good deal of things to contain my loneliness -- specifically, my loneliness that comes from not having a lover, both sexual and romantic (because I can't literally be "lonely" as I am surrounded by family members, although often times they are idiots and I hate their guts). I, probably most notably, m********e (and to o****m), especially fantasizing to my dream girl. I go to the gym often and lift weights -- exercise alone helps release endorphins in the brain and makes me in a better mood, but also being around the people (not too many people -- that is, when the gym is crowded as h**l because that is just annoying) helps me to feel somehow more content. Those are the two main things I do to quell my loneliness and my utter yearning for a sexual/romantic partner.

  6. i hate being alone. if i'm not playing halo or reading a books, i'm probably using the time to grow closer with God. as much as i hate the"lonely silence" sometime you just get closer to God and realize how busy youve actually become

  7. i go on myspace or yahoo answers, the mall

  8. I havent figured it out either

  9. i never prefer to stay alone .....but it is not always possible to be with some one or the other always.......... when i am alone i  explore myself my likes and dislikes ...try to correct my attitude.......apart from that i realise and recognise my hidden talent such as singing, dancing, doing experiments in cooking ...and do what ever i like

  10. Do this:

    Everyday, starting tonight, right before you go to bed go to a mirror and look deep into your eyes(not at your eyes) and tell your Self "I love you unconditionally, and I honor who you are and what you are".

    Also do the same process as soon as you wake up.

    Your Life will have shifted within 30 days.

    It works!

  11. I work......and paint. Sometimes I ride my bicycle, sometimes I go to the movies by myself (especially in the evenings). And I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME here on Yahoo! Answers.

    My hubby is in the military and gone often and for long periods of time.

  12. Y!A or my sewing machine

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