
What do you do to fall asleep at night?

by  |  earlier

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I really think I have some kind of sleep disorder. I get up at 6, go to bed usually at about 10-10:30 but I don't fall asleep for atleast an hour. What do you do at night to help you fall asleep? Any suggestions are great. Thanks. =]




  1. listen to my ipod on loud and put the headphones where i can hear them.

  2. Go running until you feel like you would fall over then try sleeping

  3. read thats what i do or cover your head with the covers and pretend that there is monster all around  thats how i do it  funny huh

  4. I have the same problem. I just read or book or do my homework that usually does it.

  5. i take sleeping pills from wal mart. the bottle says they are non habit forming, so i take two different types. they're both equate brand, and they work well together. one is the blue pill the other one is hot pink.  

    for a more natural aproach, read the bibles, or listen to ebooks from

  6. I usually turn on the TV or radio, and listen to it, and eventually I will fall asleep. But some people can't stand any noises, so that might not help you. Good luck!

  7. think about what you've done that day and eventually you will fall asleep . don't think too much or then you'll be awake forever. i have the same problem and that doesn't work but i heard it does for some people . but what works for me is put some milk in a mug and put it in the microwave until its warm, its what baby's drink to help them sleep but oh well it works .  

  8. what I do is read a great book and dim the lights have a cup of hot decaff tea or decaff hot chocalate or my six does relax all your muscles think about nothing for about 10 seconds and count down from 100 to 0 and only think about the numbers but not too hard. If you mess up or forget where you are than that's good your gettig tired!! Or... Try watching golf or pink pong tournaments on tv I bey you will fall a sleep instantly hehehe well hope I helped if not good luck bye

  9. Go to bed at a good time so, if you take about an hour to fall asleep it wont be too late. Its better to go to bed at 10 and fall asleep at 11, than go to bed at 11 and fall asleep by midnight. Dont have a chat on the phone or walk about before you go to bed, these things tend to make you feel more awake and active. I used to find it hard to get to sleep a few years ago when i was about 10 and i used to get so annoyed! Which kept me awake even longer! But heres some things that helped me:

    - Warm some milk up in the microwave, it works and is the same if you add hot chocolate to it. Its the milk that does it though.

    - Reading makes your eyes tired and you feel like your gonna fall asleep

    - Its different for everyone but i find it easy to fall asleep to the tv, i watch it until my eyes feel tired and then roll over facing the opposite way and fall asleep within seconds

    - Dont think too much. when you turn off your light and put your head down think about things you did today, relaxing things, friends,family. If you think too much your still alert and cant relax properly. Dont think about things that you dont like or things that make you nervous or excited. It wakes you up and your brain is buzzing! Thats why people find it hard to sleep before Christmas and exciting things.

    Hope these helped

    Maddie <3 x

  10. i have my maid fluff my feather bed and pillows. so when i am relaxed my butler brings up water and once i have the water i can sleep cuz if i am thirsty i wakeup

    hope this helps

  11. How old are you?

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