
What do you do to find strength? ?

by  |  earlier

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In your life, love, family, faith.........?




  1. Sometimes you take one SECOND at a time.

  2. To put what ever I worry about into Gods hands.

  3. I just sit and wait for strength to happen.  It usually happens when an answer to a trying situation reveals itself or when I gain a perspective of the situation due to the passing of time or a steadiness of the mind occurs.

  4. i look inside myself. i find things that make me feel good like yoga for instance it gives me time to reflect on me which makes me happier and stronger! i surround myself with positive people they make you strong when you feel weak! believe in your faith because when you find yourself with out strength that will bring it to you when you need it most!

  5. Number one, pray and number two, hug my dog.

  6. pray,then take baby steps and try in everything you do to be the best at it.

  7. ok, this may sound wierd, but I believe not only in the power of prayer (w/o it my 11 yr old son wouldnt be here with us). I also mediate too, its so peaceful, & comforting too! Also I listen to soft, nature sounds too, this type of music helps me to center myself. Im also a massage therapist too. I love it too, because its so spirtiual to me. Trust me when i say massage therapy helps me with my faith ALOT.

    I work as a part time massge therapist, & I also homeschool my son, now this is going to sound funny, but I love teaching my son, becuase its so WONDERFUL to see your son come to you & say "MOM, I GET IT!" Thats a a joy that I cant even explain.

    Plus, I love going on walks too. Its very relaxing, & so stress free! I remeber when I started walking I amazed myself, I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I wasnt even trying to lose weight, it just happend.

  8. Work out

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