
What do you do to keep sane?

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I am a mother of 2 girls (14 months and almost 4 years) and I am at home all day. I go to playgroup for 2 hours ever Friday and meet up with a few friends each week (if I can) but I am sick of staying home all day. What do you all do for yourselves (like playing sport or something) without having your kids around always whinging and crying. It does my head in.





  1. I only have one kid at the moment but I know exactly how you feel. I started university in January and it keeps me from getting bored and gives me a sense of acheivement. I do it all from home, mainly on weekends when my partner is home. I live in a very remote part of the australian outback and I am 14 hours drive from family /  shopping and anything entertaining. So at the moment it is just me and 2 and a half year old daughter while her dad is at work, I take her to play twice a week and when uni starts again I can take her with me to a place where i can study with a creche attached. It's the only relief I get really. I wont go walking at night because there are too many loose dogs around!!

  2. I go for a walk with some friends after the kids are in bed...its nice to excercise and talk at the same time

  3. You could take the Andrea Yates route or have an online affair!

    Neither end up well but they will keep you busy!

    Call me if you need a Defense Attorney.

  4. I would go absolutly out of my mind if I didn't work. I used to be a stay at home mom and tried to get into family tree searching, scrapbooking, tried being the soccer mom but all of that was for someone else. When I work I have my own life outside of the home and I think that is very important. It gives you a break from the kids, make work friends with mature converstations and you don't even have to wipe their butt after lunch, lol. I work part time and love the 4 days I get to stay home with my kids but I also love to go out and be me again.

  5. Part time job is a good idea. Just one concern about working at night--watch out for the time you lost to be with your partner.  My friend who does that (she chose the night shifts to save childcare money) fights with her hubby a lot because both adults are very stressed due to the schedule.

    If you have friends who live nearby and have young kids, you can take turns to date.  Here is how it works: this week your friend watches your girls for 3 hours at one night so you and your partner can go out. Next week you can do the same for them.  If you have a big enough group of parents, you can even get more chances to have time of your own or with your spouse.

    I have three kids and the youngest is 1.  My husband would let me have at least three hours for myself each week (usually a weekend afternoon).  I like to keep my journal.  It's a good way to de-stress for me.  I like writing, so sometimes I take these few hours of break to sit in a coffee shop and write with my laptop.  Last time an article of mine was published in a big newspaper and I bought the whole family a descent meal with that money.  It feels great!  I am not saying that you should write, too. My point is that finding things (other than caring for your own kids) that you enjoy doing is a good way to relax.  Sometimes the change of focus for a few hours will do the trick.  BTW, gardening is a great choice, too.

    I found talking to older moms with adult kids is very interesting and helpful.  They always talk about how they miss the time their kids were so little (like mine now). They adore my kids with me and have fun with them.  They help remind me to look at the bright side of child-raring-they all grow up too fast!

    Anyways, good luck and enjoy the journey!

  6. well first I would stop worrying about being sane and pick up a hobby I love wood turning wood working and just looking up things I like on and making them

  7. When you find out, let me know!

    It's hard when you can't get any alone time - I haven't had any for 5 years!  Sometimes I take them to the movies on cheap Tuesday.  Not really me time I know, but at least they stay quiet.  My sister-in-law gets up at about 5am and goes for a long walk ... not for me though, I'm too tired.  I had a full on day last Sunday, it must have been a full moon, and the second my partner walked through the door I said I was going out for some milk and went to the pub for an hour.  I don't normally do that, but gee it was nice!

    Before we moved to this town I started a market stall up - it's a good way to make a little extra money and not particularly stressful and it got me out of the house 2 days a week.  

    There's lots of option depending on your money situation - if money's not a problem then go to the gym, take up yoga, go swimming, etc, etc.  Good luck with it!

  8. join a gym where thay have a crashe, it is really great as you can go everyday and have an hour to your self to excercise which makes you feel great, also you can meet new people there. I joined as soon as my son was old enough to be cared for at the crashe (8 weeks)

  9. Take a part-time job if you feel you need to be home with your children most of the time and put them in daycare.  You only need to make enough to cover the daycare costs.  It helps your children socialize, gives you an opportunity to be around other adults and use your brain for other than cutting bunny shapes out of PB&J.  And whether you believe it or not, it gives your children a much needed break from you!  I learned a long time ago that children need to be away from their main care giver just as much as the care giver needs a break from them.  You don't need to feel guilty about needing a break.  They don't feel guilty about driving you crazy.  It is their way of saying - I'm sick of your face!!!!  lol!  Good luck.

  10. I know the feeling i have 3 kids 5, 6, 7 and its tough. You feel like your always around kids and theirs no adult time. Find a hobbie, I like to go to the gym it takes my mind off of things. Or get in your car for an hour and go to the beach or by the water and just relax by yourself. Youll see it really help and it gives you more patience with you kids.

  11. There are a lot of legitimate jobs online...At the same time there are also a lot of scams...So you need to be cautious before you sign up for something...As a thumb role, if you have to pay for something to join them (as a joining fee) then they are usually scams.

    The first place is to search for internet marketing blogs...These are filled with information...All free..Read as much as you can.

    Some of the ways internet marketing can earn you money is through :

    1. Affiliate marketing - You sell other peoples products for a commission. Go to are lot of products out there.

    2. eBay selling

    3. Write eBooks (on any topic)

    4. Start a niche site and earn money through adsense.

    5. Start a blog

    One thing though is that internet marketing is not easy money...It is a lot of hard work...At least initially...And then once all is set up properly you start earning passive income

  12. Get a babysitter for a few hours (maybe once a week or so) and go have some you-time. Go shopping, get a manicure, go to the gym or for a jog, but do something. You'll be alot more relaxed when you get home and the kids will love you for it.

  13. i know how you feel, im still waiting to get into a playgroup as i dont drive the ones near me is like a waiting list lol

    i have a 14month old and sometimes i dont even catch up with mates for a whole week and i go insane

    especially with having no money and no child support from the ex

    so i know where your coming from

    thanks for putting it out there

  14. sounds like you need a break..either that or a few shots of tequila.....

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