
What do you do to keep your child occupied?

by Guest32580  |  earlier

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I have a 2 year old and find that he's almost impossible to keep occupied. Any suggestions as to what I can do to keep him occupied?




  1. Get a huge piece of cardboard from a large box from behind a furniture store. Let him have crayons and show him how to color and he will be busy for hours!

    Get a small tent and set it up in your livingroom. Put pillows and a flashlight inside, and a few crackers. A tent is like a new world to kids. You might enjoy it too!

  2. My guy is 21 months and I have the exact same problem. Nothing keeps him occupied for more than a couple minutes except for tv ( mostly Sesame Street) so of course I turn it on when I have to get something done. Some of the things that work for him are Thomas trains if I build a track, matchbox cars, wood puzzles, paper and crayons (although I have to watch him carefully because he puts the crayons in his mouth), and emptying out and filling containers of things. When he's really acting up, I open my pots and pans cabinet and let him go to town. Good luck with him! I know it's hard, but he'll outgrow this.  

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