
What do you do to live green?

by  |  earlier

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How can we help save the planet together?




  1. 1. Recycle EVERTHING RECYCLEBLE: Paper, plastic, soda bottles and cans, even that iced tea bottle.

    2. Remove all cleaners. You can make your own. Try googling this.

    3. Drive when it is absolutley nedded. If you can walk to the mall, tie up your tennis shoes.

  2. Yes I RRR but I also took up cycling recently, here are the benefits I've found:


    Less stress

    Enjoying nature as I cycle to wonderful quiet places

    Weekend trips out to villages

    Friendly hellos, no road rage

    No taxi bills

    Buying less on my weekly shop and having fresher food - I can only buy what I can carry, so no wasting food for me.

    No journey under 5 miles is done in a car, longer journeys can be combined with the train if absolutely necessary.

    I love my bike!


  4. we should start a club on yahoo answers!!!

    or we should recycle!!!

    and not be idiots!!!!

  5. First I educate myself, and learn about the issues. I read magazines such as PLENTY, and Orion, and Mother Earth News.

    So then I know what I need to be doing.

    So then also I......

    1) Always have a reusable bag ready to use.

    2)Reduce, Reuse recycle! And try to reduce and reuse before recycle.

    3)send your plastic caps (from sodas, laundry detergent, etc.) to aveda (the beauty company) because they will reuse them in their future containers.

    4)I compost! So then my left over banana peels or orange peels are being reused in my garden after they compost.

    5)Drive less, walk more!

    Just some basic ideas....Good luck!

  6. I cover that here

  7. 1 recycle

    2 get rid of harmfull cleaners

    3 carpool

    4 dont buy real fur ect

    5 buy

    heres others i found a few weeks ago for my mom ha



  8. The three r's - Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle!

    Don't take really long showers. Don't leave unnecessary lights on. Don't leave the water running.

  9. reduce, recycle, reuse (those words, in that order are  the keys to living green)

    reduce: its always better to use less of everything. buy fewer things and use less energy. decide do you really need to buy something new? do you really need the latest and greatest ipod or phone, or DVD player or plasma TV. By reducing the amount of stuff you buy you are helping the environment. fewer resources need to be extracted, less energy used in processing and transporting those resources and there is less trash. this concept also applies to energy: use less, the less electricity you use the fewer resources need to be wasted.

    Reuse: the next thing to do is to reuse anything you can. recycling is good but it takes resources and energy to transport and remake a product. instead of immediately recycling a plastic bottle think about what how you could use it again. you could refill it, use it to make some kind of plant nursery, use it to store old batteries for proper disposal later  ext. this applies to energy in the sense that renewable energies are better than non renewable ones

    Recycle: plain and simple, plastics, metals, paper, glass can all be recycled. instead of going back and extracting new low quality resources one can take high quality materials and use them again. the number one contribute to trash in the united states is paper products.

  10. I always have a bag on me (one in the car and on in my purse) so that when I buy something, even if its unexpectedly I'll have something to reuse!

    I'm trying to learn to make my own things, bread, soaps, etc so that I can control what goes into them along with begin kind to my pockets too!

    I only use my car when I have to and do all of my errands in one day.  If I need something, I just wait or use something else!

    I do my best to reduce before I recycle.

    I donate what I don't want or can't use to charity so someone else can use it!

  11. Drink lime vodka.

  12. I dont care about living green. But i am greener then most people. i use a  full tank of gas every 5 weeks since i live so close to everything. I also got a electric shaver so wont have to use hot water and buy blades and shaving cream. I would ride a bike to work if the roads were more bike friendly. i use 1000kw of power a month.

  13. I live in a rural area so it's easy to recycle wash/bath water to water the yard, recycle cans, recycle can tabs, recycle plastic bags, use reusable grocery bags, recylce paper, turn off lights when not in use, unplug appliances and computer when not in use, plan errands and make lists to cut down on trips to town,  use fans instead of a/c if possible, avoid plastic water bottles and recycle them,  bundle up and cut down the heat in cold weather, compost, conserve toilet flushes if possible and don't waste.

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