
What do you do to make yourself happy at your most depressed moments??

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Lately my life has hit one of those clusterfucks where everything that couldve gone wrong has gone wrong. so yeah what do you guys do when you hit those road blocks??? maybe a book that youve read to help you get through the hard times? or music?




  1. Awww you poor darling. Whatever you do, dont harm yourself and dont take drugs. It's not going to help.

    Yeh, that's exactly what I do: read. It kind of.. makes me forget about the bad aspects of life and tune into another world. I get distracted and look away from whatever's making me sad. It's a bit like taking drugs really, but of course, better.

    But, like drugs, after I put down the book to get back to business, I get more depressed than ever having to face reality.

    My friend likes to vent depression by writing in her diary; or just write about anything. If you're angry, rant on a piece of paper with a pen. I've tried it, and it works nicely.  

  2. well liste to music... or be close to people whom i parents for example.. take their company their advice... that helps...

  3. Friends, a good movie, chocolate, dancing, and some good tunes. However, make sure the friends you surround yourself with are positive, uplifting, and definitely have a good sense of humor.

  4. We've all had those rough patches. It appears that the previous answer hit it on the head!!!  I have found that when you focus on others, you gain perspective about yourself. appears that the research supports this. Basically, sometimes our depression can be a combination of things including self-absorption. When we serve other like in volunteerism, we are able to focus our time, energy, and mind on others. The benefits are numerous. We help those in need, and by doing, so we feel a sense of purpose and community. Denmark has the lowest suicide rate of all countries. Psychologists attribute this in large part, to their strong sense of community and desire to "love thy neighbor" so to speak. I think in conjunction to a great book, funny movie, great music, chocolate...etc, service to others is service to ourselves. Its worked for me. It may sound cheesy but after the rain, comes the rainbow.  Yeah,! Hang in there, it will get better!

  5. Hi,

    lol, would you believe that sometimes i do this?  i come here and immerse myself in trying to help other people... distracting from my own pain, drawing from my experiences (and also being in touch with my experiences) to offer advice or perspectives.  and, sometimes getting an acknowledgment that something i had to say helped.  it's very touching to get emails from complete strangers who express appreciation and were really helped by little ol' me.  very touching.  and very therapeutic.

    when i'm not doing this, i watch old movies - things that touch me, inspire me, make me laugh, etc...

    play games on the computer while watching the old movies, or my soap, or the Yankee game, or, now, the Olympics - though i'm not watching them now.

    whatever coping skill works for you, though.  old movies or sports may not do it for you... maybe you could go jogging/running, shoot some hoops, swimming - stuff to help you work off some aggression, get the endorphins pumping, clear your head or allow you to think - whichever happens for you.  or put on headphones and listen to music while you do whatever so your head has less time to think if that's better for you.

    i like motown or alternative music - like 'save me' by shinedown, or 'animal i have become' by three days grace, nine inch nails, that basically modern grittier motown, lol.

    sometimes i like to cry, or distract.

    try to do things that make me feel better about myself, some little accomplishment, like making cookies for my mom, or cooking for her when she visits, cleaning the house when i've been putting it off... any little thing that gives me some sense of accomplishment and control.  i'm sure you can come up with a better list of accomplishments, lol.

    but, know that it will get better.  it may not feel like it, but it will.  always know that in the back (or front) of your mind and it will help on some level.  

    never give up hope.

    Best Wishes

  6. Play my guitar in a van down by the river !.

  7. I play with my kids, listen to music, watch a funny movie, clean house, etc- anything to occupy myself. I also try to remind myself that despite how bad it seems- I've been through worse and made it out just fine. When we're going through something, especially when it's several things all at one time, we tend to think that it can't get any worse. Think back though to problems that just seemed as big as the world when you were going through it and now you think to yourself- wow, that was nothing! A few months from now you'll look back and think that about the problems you're having now!

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