
What do you do to not feel depressed?

by  |  earlier

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im so one F*ing loves me wtf!!!!!! i hate such a failure failed out of grad school. hahah...ugh :(




  1. i meditate.

    I sort out my feelings.

    You aren't alone, there are always people waiting and willing to help you.

    go for a walk, paint, draw, write poetry, do something you like!

    it always helps me, hopefully it will help you.

    i advocate meditation, but there are alot of other ways to feel better :)

  2. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and START all over again! I have been in your shoes and I am living proof that this bad time your going thru now will seem so unfreaking unimportant in another year-you will actually say 'wtf WAS i THINKING? sO DONT GIVE IN TO FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF-THINK ABOUT WHAT THE NEXT STEP IS YOU WANT TO DO AND DO IT!!!! GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Listen to loud music (on headphones)

    Take a walk around town

    Go on YahooAnswers

  4. I say you need to try to get out and have some fun, and stop beaing yourself up.  Turn to your friends and family for support.  Talking helps alot.  =)

  5. I love you.

    Bahah, nah

    Um.. what i do to not feel depressed.

    I think of what life has to offer.

    That I can get through this.

    Many people want me in their lives.

    Even though they might not show it, and you might not know it.

    But there's probably someone thinking of you right now.

    So feel loved man. Don't get all depressed over rubbish.


  6. work out

    it releases endorphins!

    stay strong, sweetie =]

  7. just think about the happy things. I put myself in a place with pandas (cuz pandas r sexxi) haha lol. Live,Laugh,Love

  8. Driving helps me. Take a drive somewhere, blare some loud music, sing loudly to it. Get a hobby that you enjoy doing. Start exercising, it releases endorphines that battle depression. Hang out with friends, go to nightclubs, get out of the house frequently. Don't focus on what's wrong with life, focus on the positive.

  9. music baby, loud and alternative, lol, i feel alone too cause my friends live all the way across town and its like 1 hour away and they r always busy. =( but also if u have any friends that u can talk to to help u cheer up that helps.  

  10. Listen to music.

    I mean music that makes you want to go shoot up something...let all the pain out!

    Then I go to sleep and think about what I learned.

  11. dude let's go have a beer...

  12. plaster a smily on my face..

    wait till its pitch black outside..

    and run down the street yelling stupid words at the top of my lungs

    in my underwear.

    seriosly. give it a try.

    it actually works

  13. Failing to graduate from Graduate School is not a laughing matter.

    You're not alone.  Just look at all the people signed-in to Yahoo! Answers!  There's probably thousands of us here right now, taking into account all the categories, not just Mental Health.

    You're not a failure.

    What do I do to not feel depressed? -- I take my anti-depressant medicine as prescribed.

  14. retail therapy. helps me a great deal, can't say the same for my wallet though.

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