
What do you do to pass time while sitting in traffic??

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What do you do to pass time while sitting in traffic??




  1. cuss/curse

    nobody usually hears me because the music is blasting

  2. Pray for a vehicle.

  3. play the air guitar to my cd

  4. Put two knuckles up my nose.

  5. I come out of my car and start cleaning.. :)

  6. Smoke. Text. Listen to music. Pull faces at kids in other cars. I also keep a rubik's cube in my dashboard.

  7. Look at the other cars,to see how many people are on the phone&see how many Ladys are putting on make up! Or get afraid when I see how many Men are putting on make up!

  8. wonder where the other people are going.

  9. nothing really

  10. Sing like a maniac - and then receive funny looks :)

    Then i contemplate when i'm sick of singing - i think about the weather, where i'm going and what i'll do once i'm there. I imagine where other people are going and what my friends and family are doing at that moment. Then when my head hurts from thinking i start singing again until i am once again sick of singing. I just continue like that until i'm out of the traffic jam.

  11. Well, I don't drive yet but when my mom does I tend to try and count the number of cars I recognize from a certain brand.

  12. I like to call it a 'cank' .... or 'car-w*nk' .... ;-)

  13. listen to music

  14. Sing

    Strange, no one wants to take a ride with me.

  15. If traffic is at a standstill, I take out my Nintendo DS.

  16. put it in park and sleep, normally the horns behind you work as a good alarm clock.

  17. Count how many men in the cars around me are two knuckles up their nose.

  18. I can't drive yet,so I just sleep or listen to music on my sansa.

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