
What do you do to peanut oil to make it into bio-diesel?

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What else can be made into fuel? What has to be done to the car?




  1. Cheaper to convert car.

  2. they sell kits online that turn it in to bio desil.  the process is fairly simple you add chemicals and put it through pumps and things like that most people can do it no problem

  3. The same thing you do to any other fat, transesterfy it with methanol using NaOH as a catalyst.  Any fat can be made into biodiesel.  Any starch or sugar can be made into ethanol.

  4. Well if you want to make bio diesel which is different then useing it in a SVO system, you need to filter the oil and heat it to about 120 degrees, to prevent the oil from getting thick or lumpy. then mix in lye (sodium hydroxide) and methanol to start the transesterification. you should get bio diesel on top and glycerin on bottom. this is just a quick overview you should go to it gives a better set of instructions. I make it using used cooking oil, but almost any form of organic oil will work. as for any modifications if you are using Bio diesel and not a SVO ( straight vegetable oil) then you most likely do not need to modify your vehicle. But will be able to help you know for sure.

  5. more info here:

  6. Your car must be a diesel ,do not put cooking in a gasoline engine. U must filter it so your injectors will not get stopped up.

  7. Peanuts as pressed will contain water and a bit of peanut solid debris in the oil. Both of those must be cleaned out very well. Part of that is storing it so that water drops to the bottom and floating debris goes to the top.

    When you have almost all water gone, you can add ethanol to keep it from collecting in fuel lines and filters.

    You can get the solid debris out partly by tapping from the bottom of the tank. But running it through filtres before putting it in the gas tanks is essential to get reliable performance.

    Otherwise peanut oil will power a diesel.

    Any vegetable oil dealt with the same way will run a diesel engine.

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