
What do you do to relieve stress and relax?

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So, I'm 17 years old and I have two jobs.

I work at a Golf course on the weekdays after school, and I work for a Catering Company on some weekends.

I'm always stressed about them, and I'm always dreading them the day before.

What can i do to relax when i get off?, What can I do before work to just chill out?





  1. I put on my headphones and go outside and walk for 45 minutes, letting my mind wonder. Sometimes i stop by the local coffee shop on the way home and people watch with my music on.

  2. eat, sleep, watch tv, hang out.

  3. Don't no about the category,

    Um try going to the gym working out.

    Then going to a spa and stuff like that

    When I'm stressed and just run until i can't run anymore

    Its does work . x

  4. listen to music :D

  5. i would usually go to the beach and set out a picnic with your girlfriend or somethin.

  6. I don't know if this is a possibility for you but acupuncture really helps get rid of stress for me anyway. Also just sit down and read a book for fun (i know crazy right?) or listen to music.

    Hope I helped :~)

  7. sleep maybe

  8. This is something i learned in an acting class i took. you lay on the floor and picture yourself either floating on water or in the air. make sure you close your eyes. start at your feet, and think as if all the stress is melting away, then work your way up, all the way to your head, take your time. Keep thinking in your head that all the stress is going away. think in a relaxing tone (if that makes sense) This may seem silly, but if you do it right, it really works.

  9. hangout with girls in your free time, maybe think of a different job...something you don't stress about. Pick something that you like to do.  

  10. Bubble Bathe & Music

  11. Take a deep breath.

    Then, a hot bath.

    Then, slip into bed.

  12. It is the right catagory but I suggest you also but it in alternative health but I don't know when the best time is for that area. Sometimes people look while at work rather then weekends...Ok, her is what I do...Everything is energy. If we tell ourselves something our body listens. So I say "I am calm & peaceful". I know this sounds too simple. When I was going through the most chaotic time in my life it worked for me. I also make sure I have enough calcuim so you might want to get a calcuim supplement. It feels tranquil when you take them but ask the person as the health store if you need a combo such as magnesium or something with it....I would keep a journal or a while. This will show you if you have anything to be anxious about. If you do what is it....Let's say the people are very picky.. So you would focus on thoughts that have to do with that such as "I only attract nice, down to earth people who want the best for me". ...You should also go to the library & get some CD's on yoga or tai chi...Again this seems so simple but it is powerful....Look at your diet...are you letting your blood sugar get too low...I make sure I eat small meals all day,,,not really meals but I will eat sausage biscuts in the morn. with jelly & ketchup...then around 9 I have a half a banana or apple dipped in peanut butter. If I don't I can feel it. The peanut butter is protein so  make sure you are eating well....are you getting enough exercise I know you are on the go but sometimes we forget to go take a walk alone without have to respond. I love the energy of trees. People make fun of tree huggers but I sit up next to a tree & feel like I am parched & being filled by the energy of the tree...if you are consuming caffeine that could contribute to anxiety.....Fine pictures that make you feel peaceful a puppy or kitten. They are so innocent...go to & look up meditation & find some beautiful nature ones but make sure you keep the ones you like or you might never find them again....teach yourself EFT do a search on that, another really powerful thing to do, I have changed my life with EFT. What is your hobby? go to the library or book store & keep looking until you find a subject you love then spend some time on it each day.

  13. I don't know.. Some people's idea of relaxation is different from others'...

    Listen to some tunes, meditate, smoke a bowl or two.

  14. There is a long answer, but to cut it down to just one word....


  15. Just chillax about it! You're gonna do fine! I listen to my fave songs and maybe if you like to read, just read.  Do something you enjoy, make sure your ready for work though before (dressed ready to go) l0l! But do whatever makes you feel better! :)

  16. write about your day trust me it helps

  17. Take some time to yourself and do something that makes you happy.

    Whenever I'm stressed, I'll turn on some music and read a book for a while. If you enjoy playing the piano, sit down and just play a little, or if you like drawing, take out a pencil and paper and draw.

    And if you don't have a hobbie, just put on your favorite CD and and lay down.

  18. Have u ever tried stretching?

    It is amazing how it relieves the tension on ur body, not ur mind though.

  19. okay two things i do.

    if you have a partner have s*x. its great at destressing.


    put on some of you favorite clothes to relax in. me its my knee high socks and my knee shorts and my tank top. i turn my music up loud and dance and sing all by my self . i get lost in the music. getting lost in music is the most wonderful thing in the world to do. just get into it. no one around let loose

  20. Uhm, I smoke a cigarette. Or I go chill with friends.

    There is no point worrying about something that is going to happen. just ist back and take a breath...and relax.

    or listen to music!

    Or get lost in the wonderful owrld of don't have to reply peoples messages to get lost either....maybe your profile could use a good redoing!!! :]

  21. exercises, go jogging if you find some time, also drink red tea that will help you nerves.  

  22. Just being a vegetable, or go to the gym or play some golf. Working at a golf course is the greatest. I work at one once a week just for free golf, golf balls, and tees. Now that I think about it, I just realized that the golf balls and tees are worth more than the minimum wage I make

  23. Listen to music,

    take a bath

    my personal favorite,,, have s*x..  

  24. take an ice bath and eat 3 bananas. it alway helps me.

  25. I'm going to be honest... the first thing that popped in my head was Masterbation. Not kidding lol

  26. listen to music  


  28. You should get a cat :) When you caress her it takes your stress off. I read it somewhere and tried it myself. Believe me it helps :)

    If you can't get a cat you can go to Animal Hospital/Where you can adopt pets and you can relax there. It helps for me :)  

  29. I cannot say it in public

  30. s*x? If is very calming in my opinion.

  31. Underage drinking is a great option, and hey today is Friday.

    If you are in California you could probably find a way to legally use marijuana as well.  

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