
What do you do to save water???

by  |  earlier

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it seems like oil is the only substance getting talked about nowadays... but what about our most threatened and abused natural resource -- water???




  1. Put a house brick in my toilet box!

  2. We save raining water and we didn't  misusing the water.

  3. I think the most important thing I'm doing right now, is not watering my lawns. It's grass people and you won't die if it isn't green!

    I also use low flow shower heads and faucet taps.

    I wash only in cold water

    I use the golden rule for washrooms:

             Yellow? Let it mellow.

             Brown? Flush it down.

    I do not let the water run when doing dishes or brushing my teeth. I drink what I take.

  4. turn the tap off when you are not using it, and dont over use it either. Just like electricity, you turn it off when you are not using it and try to minimize its usage when you have to use it

  5. well i haven't really been trying to save water but I'll start doing that maybe

  6. I:

    1. turn off the faucet when not in use

    2. don't use showers that use too much water

    3. recommend toilets where you can choose whether you flush with lots of water or a fewer amount

    4. eat less salty food (makes me drink less, I think)

  7. I've been in a severe drought for the last year and water restrictions have just been lifted. But I'm still in conservation mode. I turn off the water while brushing my teeth and while shampooing in the shower. I only do laundry when there's a full load. I also catch rainwater to water my plants. My water bill is way down so these changes will be permanent.

  8. Rainwater harvesting, avoid wasting water, check leaking taps, avoid using showers frequently and such small things can save a lot of water.

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