
What do you do to stop your eyes from getting red for no reason?

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What do you do to stop your eyes from getting red for no reason?




  1. eyedrops...u probably have dry eyes...

  2. There's always a reason, whether you know what it is or not, so the answer to your question is to figure out the reason, then you will know how to fix the problem.

  3. There has to be a reason behind it.

    It could be from things such as:

    * Allergies

    * Irritation

    * Contacts

    * Infection

    * Restlessness

    You'll have to think carefully about what could have caused it. If you're in doubt, see your doctor for advice.

    In the meantime, eye drops could reduce the redness which you could buy from pharmacies.

  4. itch red watery is allergic eyes.use an antihystamine drop 3 times a day plus 1 antihystamine tablet daily until gone.watery red is probably dry eye.use a dry eye drop from gunky eyes is need to see doctor.also driving long distances and watching tv,computer for too long gives you red eyes because you don't tend to blink as much.also to test which one you have,do this: take the stuff in corner of your eye and gently roll it between two fingers then slowly bring fingers apart,if it is stringy then its allergic eye,if it is just a glug and not stringy then its bacterial and you will need to see your doctor. cheers

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