
What do you do to your child when that is 7 years old and acts terribly in a store?

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What do you do to your child when that is 7 years old and acts terribly in a store?




  1. if talking doesn't work, I would finish my business and leave, then punish at home

  2. Tell them that if he wants a treat or a "prize" he WILL have to act good in order to get. And if that doesn;t work tell him you will take him to the restroom and give him a good spanking!

  3. give him a lecture and say, "If you act bad in the store honey, the other mommies and daddies are going to think you're bad." and say to him, "If you're good, I'l buy you some _____" if he's good buy him a small treat like a lollipop or something.

  4. I used to take his lil azz back home and get a babysitter

  5. dicipline them, ignore them, walk away, spank them if you have too. Looks like they control you and you dont control them

  6. idk, be a parent?

  7. embaressing as it may be, you need to repremend him on the spot. Ignoring him will satisfy him, afterall at his age he is purposely trying to embaress you and cause a scene. I would let him know right then and there that I will not tolerate that kind of behavior, and also discipline him once you guys are home (whatever form of discipline that you use in your home; ie: take a toy away, timeout, or spanking). Letting him get away with and not addressing the issue on the spot, gives him exactly what he wants--control and power. Afterall whats more embaressing, a out-of-control 7 year old in a store, or a mom taking control of her kid in a store?

  8. Leave the store and spank the child for misbehaving.  Don't take her back in until she can prove she can act appropriately.  A 7 year old is completely capable of going through a store without misbehaving.

  9. A 7 yr old should get a warning.  Then if they continue to act up, you should pack him up and go home.  It is annoying to be shopping and see a child misbehaving.....and it is just as annoying to hear a parent loudly diciplining their children in the store.  Save it for the car or home.  After a few times of leaving (although inconvenient)  They will catch the drift.

  10. Grab your chid say your misbehavig and spank 7 times age.

  11. What worked with my daughter is to give her a time out right on the spot. Or I would let her bring a fun toy along and take it away if she started acting up. Another thing that works (if you have the time) is to give him or her boring store lessons. Take him/her to the store everyday and explain that you'll keep doing that until the behavior gets better. But make sure to make the lessons totally boring and unpleasant.Then reward good behavior. Threatening to never have your kid come with you again, like one person posted is ridiculous. Only threaten things you'll absolutely be able to follow through on. And only warn once before taking action. Taking away TV or computer is a pretty good incentive as well. Never let bad behavior get them what they want or it will never stop. Good luck to you.

  12. I warn them ahead of time- wherever you act up ,your butt is gonna get tore up. I give the"Speech" before we leave the house and when we get to the store.That way he/she knows what's coming if they  are not on their best behavior.

  13. I take the child home find a sitter or leave the child with a family member and I refuse to take the child with me ever again.  That's what I did with my first two kids my third has yet to act up in public.

  14. keep calm just explain to him if you muck up it is going to take mummy or daddy a lot longer to get things done.

    no child at any age like's shopping it is to boring

  15. I either ignore him or pick him up and take him to the car until he settles down. Then we go back in and shop.

  16. 7 year old? ignore them, if they are getting way outta hand, then take them to the car and leave, go home, drop them off if their is an adult in the house, and go back shopping alone.

  17. Try to first walk away - keep child in view until they get woried and look out for you. Then a harsh word in the ears, "That naughty behavior does not work on me, you look like a really badly behaved child, stop showing yourself up and come with me now!"  - well it works on mine, and we rarely have those cringy public outbursts.

  18. You keep your cool, first off...and you give the kid one warning that his behavior will improve or you will be leaving immediately.  If he continues to misbehave, stop whatever you are doing, take the kid by the hand (or carry him out if he is throwing a fit) and go to the car and go home.

    Before the next shopping trip, tell the child he has a chance to be good and go along, but misbehaving will NOT be tolerated... have a back-up person, such as your spouse, ready to come get the child if he acts up again.  

    I guarantee you, if you follow through on this plan, and your kid knows you mean business, he will straighten up.  Kids throw tantrums because they think it will make their embarrassed parents give in--you've got to show them who is boss!

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