
What do you do to your dog after each walk?

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My 7 month Schnauzer walks usually twice per day. He is naturally clean that he is not attracted to other dogs' poos or puddles. At the moment, I wipe paws and underbody with towel but I wonder about how effective this is. My dog stays inside most of time.




  1. Well inside dogs- should be clean- just wiping them off is fine-

    If you are worried just spray them with a hose then dry them off- no soap is necessary.

    If your dog gets really dirty where you can see mud and stuff then he needs a bath, unless you like mud in your house =].

    Outside dogs are less prone to germs and sickness so they can be dirty and unsanitary.

  2. nothing.

    if they get dirty, i take them by the creek. by the time we get home, they are dry.

  3. nothing. just take the leash off. inside princesses only <--------

    sounds like your cleaning is fine, though. seriously, i just make sure they don't drag leaves and stuff in on their furnishings.

  4. Nothing. I just let them in the house and they go for the water bowl then they go lay down..  

  5. Give em' some water. If they get horribly dirty, a bath.

  6. Nothing, he drinks and waits for me to get out the snack of the evening.

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