
What do you do when a doctor discriminates against you for being g*y?

by  |  earlier

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Well duh I would go to a different doctor, but what are my rights? Can I sue?




  1. report him to who ever you can and if he did something to you, you can press charges as a hate crime.

  2. Get a new doctor and if they work for a clinic tell them why. If the doctor did something wrong do the above and maybe talk to a lawyer. Chances are though they didn't do anything wrong by the standards of the law.

  3. Get a new doctor.

  4. Go to a new doctor?  It hasn't happened to me yet, though that's mostly because my regular doctor doesn't know I'm g*y.

  5. Sorry sweetie, you can't sue. In most places, sexual orientation isn't like religion/race/ethnicity/national origin, etc. You're legally allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation.

    Come to think of it, that really sucks.

  6. You can pretty much sue anyone for anything...however, remember the burden of proof is upon you...and, once you've sued gives them the 'right' to sue you back...  I would encourage you to find yourself another doctor and report him to his particular medical group, association and licensing authorities...  The doctor has no 'professional' grounds to stand upon...  His moral 'feelings' and 'thoughts' are clouding his judgment as a medical professional...  It's time he found a different career...

  7. contact Lamda legal and see if you can file a lawsuit.

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