
What do you do when a fat man sits next to you and takes up half of your seat?

by  |  earlier

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My family and I have season tickets to Texas Tech University football games. My problem is that the person that has the seat right next to me is a grotesquely obese man who can barely fit into the seat. And when he does manage to get his hulk of a body wedged into the seat, about 6 inches of fat hangs over the arm rest into my seat. Even his legs are partly on my seat. So half of my seat is taken up by the humongous overweight man and I’m squished and forced to the extreme right side of my seat. I can’t avoid touching him, I can’t move in my seat and I can’t even cross my legs. I’m a very petite woman (only 5 feet tall) and very small built (133 pounds). I honestly feel sorry for this man but he’s unknowingly turned such an enjoyable activity into dread and arguments about who has to sit next to the “fat guy” !!

My question is: Should I bring this to the attention of the stadium staff or should I just let it be and endure the arguments?? Should I say something to him? Should I ask him to pay for half of my seat, since he's taking up half of it? Should I tell him that he's ruined one of the much anticipated activities that my family and I spend together? Can I do this tastefully, without making a scene? What should I do??!! It would be so depressing if we had to stop going to the games just because of this HUGE problem. We’ve had these same season tickets for years, and the seats are really good, so we don’t want to change them.





  1. If it is a problem for you, ask management if other seats in the same area are available and if you could switch.

  2. I would try going to the stadium first. See if it is possible they move him to an end sit or something so the rest of him hangs into the isle instead of into someone else's seat. Explain everything like you have here and see what they can do to help you.  If they seem unable or unwilling to help that you might have to go directly to the guy and let him know.  I have a feeling that if he is that big this is not the first time he will be hearing something like that.  Do you and your family have an end seat that you could just switch with him? Even if he paid for half of your seat i don't think that will solve much for you guys. Good Luck!

  3. When I have been seated next to one of those slobs on an airplane, I make their life h**l for the whole flight.  You could alway start SPILLING things on him and apologize with something like... I'm sorry but you are so BIG you bump my arm when I'm trying to drink or eat or whatever..

    I would have already spilled some VERY HOT COFFEE on that slob.  Those Jabba the Hut types have a right to be a slob but they do not have a right to take YOUR enjoyment away... YOU HAVE RIGHTS TOO even though people like him never seem to understand that OTHER people have RIGHTS.

  4. You paid good money. Talk to the stadium staff.

  5. I would talk to a manager working at the stadium, I mean you don't have to bring it to this guys attention he knows hes fat and he knows hes taking up half your seat..Definitely say something to a manager and have them move him to a larger seat or simply move your season tickets to a different area thats is better or just as good, let someone else deal with it, I mean fat people have to pay for 2 seats on an airplane so why would it be any different for a stadium right?

    Anyhow you pay for your product and space it shouldn't be taken up by someone else who isn't paying for your seat even just a little bit. If they wont do anything get your money back and never stop complaining until something is done that makes you happy.

    Edit: It doesn't matter why he's fat, if its a medical condition or he eats to much McDonalds, poor him but really this is about being considerate to other people, not why hes like that. He's being rude.

  6. It's obvious that you want this guy gone and that you're not going to enjoy the games while he's sitting beside you.  What I'd be careful about is that you don't take the attitude, " Go and sit somewhere else, why should we have to move, we've had these seats for years."

    You have 3 options.

    1. Live with it.

    2. Ask management if they can re-locate you to comparable seats or even better seats for no extra charge

    3. Ask management if they are willing to re-locate him  where he has an empty seat on either side.

    I would go for option 2 myself.  If the problem is that big (no pun intended) then you will be prepared to re-locate.  

    If you've been seasons ticket holders for years then management will likely make an effort to try and solve this problem.  If this were an airline they would probably bump you up to First Class if seating was available.  

    Give it a try.

    I do not fault this fellow for his condition.  What I resent is some of  the ignorance I've seen displayed in some of the answers.  There may be a serious medical reason for his obesity.    But how quickly people are to judge.

    One thing this fan should look into is to work something out with management  and get an aisle seat with an empty seat beside it and pay for both.  Perhaps management can discount one of the seats.  That would be a goodwill gesture that would speak volumes.  The fellow is aware that he's taking up more room than he's entitled to.  Part of this is his responsibility- in my opinion.

    Just maintain your cool and don't let this become a prejudicial issue.

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