
What do you do when a food server, excusing slow service, say it looks like you haven't missed many meals?

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What do you do when a food server, excusing slow service, say it looks like you haven't missed many meals?




  1. Don't say a word go right to the manager-that is totally unacceptable and they would be more than happy to deal with that and Probably fire that person.It is not only unkind-but but totally unprofessional-I hope you didn't leave a tip-infact if you had complained I'm sure it would have been free..What an idiot

  2. look at them like there stuck on stupid

    and say..."I BEG YOUR PARDON!?"


    omg if I seen that, i would be ROFLing.....

  3. stiff the tip...

  4. speak to the manager, the only tip she'll get from me is a note on the table saying she wouldve got a better tip if she didnt open up her big mouth and kept her comments to herself.

  5. I would have been insulted and i would speak with the manager about  that employees behavior and possibly not spend my money at that place again.

  6. *snicker*

  7. You report him to the manager right away for being ruse and give him a penny for a tip.  Grams

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