
What do you do when a poem turns into something else?

by  |  earlier

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The time measurements are incorrect,

not wrong, necessarily,

just incrementally cemented.

Wait a second…

…that was much longer than one second.

Do you see what I mean.

Last time,

the machine took Mom

to the time of Christ.

She returned nauseated.

It does not work, you see.

Let me demonstrate;

Inhale and hold your breath.

Step into the machine.

Set the timer for ten seconds ago.

Hit ‘GO’, then step out and exhale.

You have just breathed out air

that is already in the room.

Ta Dah!





  1. good and comfort to read

  2. No one has ever thought of that! However, it wouldn't matter if Mom were outside in 33 B.C.E.  What do you do with this "something else?" Maybe publish it in Tangled Web 2009?

  3. H.G. Wells meets William Blake.

  4. I get sick time-travelling too but I'm OK if it happens in my dream state I can pass with just the shudders. Whose driving? Cause I like to take full control of any nobs and twiddleys. Oi! we'll have none of that!

    BTW I will happily be in the book again haven't written much stuff of late but I have had a new business to attend and the bear gets even more chaotic so we are both having to actually do more stuff at the moment.

    I will forward something to you how long have I got?

  5. Ta Dah  now if a different poem!  LOL  Happens sometimes when I write! Just loved this poem and the way you used the time machine metaphor!! Cheers!!

  6. "Hi!"

    Please take me in your time machine back to the year "1997' and than Atlantis and back hen the Egyptian pyramids were built. That would be great. Just to be like your mum(mom), just forever young. Just think hat life would be like if you never got older and you just replay the life you had and press that button before your world departure.

    Great Poem, Loved it.

    P.S: I told Elaine that I will print out and send my info tomorrow in the morning as I can't use my fax. Thx. Cheers: )

  7. Great!  T. S. Eliot with a little Bradbury thrown in.

    What to do?  Enjoy!

  8. I wish I had a time machine to take me back to before I read your question. my head still hurts. perhaps writing is not your forte . try finger painting.

  9. When poetry turns differently from what you intend, I would take another look at it and if I like it I would keep it! I do a lot of conceptual design and not all my designs end up as I intend it. I keep it however to the side because I end up liking it so much!

    What you can end up doing is keeping what you have, and then turn around and make another poem that you are intending to create. It is nice to have creativity but it is also nice to have focused creativity (in case you are working for someone and what they want, they will get!).


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