
What do you do when a random person is using your home address on their drivers license?

by  |  earlier

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K - I have received a couple of Surcharge Processing (TX Department of Public Safety) notices for someone who has never lived at my home (I can say that because there was one owner prior to us (who's estate sold the home to us) and we have been here for 6+ years. I have searched and found that there is another person who has my home address as their home on their DL. My question is should I contact TX DPS and let them know this person has a wrong address on file with them or just forget about it...... Thanks!




  1. I would definitely contact someone.  I keep getting mail addressed to someone with my address.  Finally, I wrote "no one here by that name, Fraud!!!" and remailed it.  I haven't gotten anything else for them.  Do something about it.  What if they get a lien attached to your home.  You'll have a major headache getting that one cleared.  I would also think that by using your address is fraud.  Contact the DPS and let them know about the person, mention it to the police, and the DMV.

  2. Hey, that is not nearly as bad as someone using your social security number illegally because they aren't in the country legally, and Liberals seem to think that is OK.  So this person using your address for the DL should be OK too.

  3. If you know who it is that is using your address, then you should contact the Texas Department of Public Safety and tell them.  How would you like to be lying in bed some night, and the police bust into your house on a raid or arrest warrant for the other person?

    Get it cleared up ASAP.

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