
What do you do when a telemarketer phones you?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for something that would irritate them as much as they irritate me...




  1. I think everyone needs to approach telemarketers with a bit more of a mature approach rather than using some of these rude ideas people have mentioned. As a full-time student getting a degree at university I had a telemarketing job for a few months to make a bit of spare cash, and was disgusted at the way people treated me on the phone when I was just trying to do my job.

    If one calls me and I'm not interested, I just say it. "I'm sorry I'm not interested", and if they keep talking, I will just hang up because I've already stated I don't care.

    For those of you out there, don't bother asking them to put you on the 'don't call' list, because you have to do it yourself. People in Australia can register on but remember you will have to register every 6 months. Telemarketing places do what is called 'washing' their lists, and every number on the do not call list is taken off their list. When you sign up it can take 30 days for it to be active, so keep this in mind.

    As for being rude to them, I think its just a bit childish. In the time you take to play what you think is a 'funny' trick, you could have just said not interested, and hung up. But hey, whatever suits you.

  2. *Say in your best southern accent "Brandi put a trace on this call" in a rushed manner.

    *Ask who is talking?

    *Tell them your the Local law enforcement of your area Sheriff

    *Tell them (Your name) was murdered the night before and what they want?

    *When they apologize and start to go you can start with the interview on them asking them who they work for, where they are located and how they know the deceased.  

    *Once they tell you, pull the phone away and pretend to talk to a deputy next to you and say get in touch with whatever PD that is closest to them (telemarketer) and ask them if they can get them in for questioning.  

    *The telemarketer will freak out saying he didn't know him (you), then you tell him right now he is suspect No 1!!

    *By this time you can either carry it on with whatever you want or the telemarketer will have put the phone down......and hopefully wont call back!

    Good luck

  3. I've actually done this, put my phone down next to my tv, since I have a tv right next to my phone in the kitchen and turned up the volume, I usually have it on a music channel.  It actually worked and they didn't call back.

  4. my husband acts interested then puts down the phone and walks away while they go into a long speel and then picks it back up a few minutes later and asks them to repeat it until they realize he is actually setting down the phone for some time and walking away.

  5. The telemarketers must hang up in a time period.  But they can't just hang up on you.  If you make them talk untill there time is up or pass there time they make a note of this next to your phone number.  I have a friend who was one.

  6. Hi, I agree with you I hate those calls, it seems they never stop. What I do sometimes is pick up the phone and just lay it down, lol They dont take long to hang up. Also sometimes my hubby will pick it up and talk like a goof, and they hang up fast. , I wish they would give us something to go by to get rid of these ***'s. I've even got on the list for the calls, but we still get them.

  7. They are so annoying aren't they?  

    Well what I do is say, hang on I'll just get my Mum (which is me) then I leave them on the phone and check now and then until they finally hang up.

    Or I did this once:  I made out I was so interested and they went on and on, I also went on and on and on, kept asking questions and yes stupid questions, and they go so sick of me they hung up on me.

  8. Ask them to hold on a minute, lay the phone down and come back a half hour later . That would annoying.

    I usually just say no thank you and hang up. They are only trying to make a living like everyone else.

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