
What do you do when......(kind of a mental health question)?

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You want someone to notice you? A certain person tho...not just in general. But its not like a sexual kind of attraction.

You want that person to like you.

I've always wanted an older sister. Someone who couls watch over me. And if I got into something...could pull me know? Its hard to explain. Like if my little sister had issues with someone bullying her or something- I would jump to defend her.

I have always wanted that. During all my issues over the years...with hospitalizations rehab residential and going through my eating disorder issues and all thing I've always looked for was some kind of role model. An older sister. And I've always had someone in my life that I wanted as an older sister. Cuz they would be great at it. But I've pushed them all away. With telling them what's up...eventually idk...maybe I trusted them too much-put too much in to them...

I found a person who I want to be that again. But I don't know what to do. She's actually my drivers ed teacher...with what happend on thursday...she seemed pretty cool about it. And now I want that again. Someone to trust that way. To look up to. But I can't...bc it could never happen and all

What should I do about it? I can try and link that question to here...

But yea...I want to be able to tell someone when im feeling depressed or feeling urges (eating disorder, drugs) or when things are going be there to say 'im proud of you' and telling them when im upset and they can 'comfort' me or give me a hug when I need it

I know this is a weird thing. But its always been a problem for me




  1. Cassie, Try taking your driver's ed teacher into your confidence slowly about some of the things you need to talk about and see how she reacts.  It is not weird to want someone to rely on and to turn to when you need attention -- that is human nature.  After what she did for you the other night, I think she will be receptive to your needs, but so you don't feel uncomfortable, try to take it slow, then you won't have to backtrack if things don't go as planned.  Tell her a little bit at a time -- and see how she reacts, I think you will be pleasantly surprised, I think she will be open to helping you out.

    Good luck!

  2. i dont think you sound weird at all  i think what you need is a good friend or someone to love you and be there for you like an older sister   this feeling is not weird at all  half the world wants that  including myself  i have an older sister but sad to say we are not close  i have a girl friend  younger than myself that i can talk to but closeness is lacking  we all need hugs  i dont mean sexual either  just a good firm hug  from someone who cares  i have that with my granddaughter  i love her care about her  talk to her about her problems  listen to her  teach her  advise her  lecture her  and give her long and hard hugs  she knows i am there for her when she needs me  but she isnt always there for me when i need someone so i know what you mean  i pray a lot and meet a lot of people  dont have any close friends near by though  maybe someday i will find a friend like that  like an older sister  god bless you and may you find your older sister

  3. Aw sweetie, I think you should just tell your drivers ed teacher everything you told us on here.  Im sure she'll be flattered.  I actually have a teacher at my school that I can go to for similar things like that and we have a really special bond.  Ive known her for like three years now and its amazing.  Take a chance and let her in, if she really cares about you, she'll be everything you want.  Good luck girl!  

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