
What do you do when life hurts you really really bad??

by  |  earlier

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I'm in my early twenties, an I have no more hope, all I know is pain, and I want to believe things can be better, but at this point of my life, I dont know where to start , I dont even know if life is worth living anymore, I am hurting so bad....... All I think about is giving up. I have nobody to talk to....




  1. Life does hurt sometimes. Sometimes it hurts really really bad. And I don't know why its so bad for you right now. But I can promise you there is nothing about your life that can't be changed or that is worth ending right at this second. All you need to do is be put in touch with the right people. There are some very good people out there who would love to help you. All you have to do is call 911 tell them you want to hurt yourself. They will be there and and get in touch with an emergency services worker. I am a RN in an ER we take care of multiple people who are at the end of their rope every night. If you don't want to call 911 go to your local ER. You will be taken care of I promise. Just please don't hurt yourself.  

  2. Dont give up on your life! No ones life i s ever worth ending early. Everyone has felt lost sometime or another in their life. What you need to do is find someone willing to listen-it doesnt have to be a friend or family member just someone who wants to help. And pray-God will always send someone to help.

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